Von Sell’s Single “Miss Me”

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Von Sell is sharing with us again.  This time it is his latest single “Miss Me”.  “Miss Me” continues with the electronica sound, but this time he is going for what I believe is an ethereal feel.  The vocals and music at times blends to the extent that his voice isn’t the front and center.  The verse Von Sell comes in nice and clear, but it is when the chorus comes in that the blending occurs.  This might be intentional because the title of the single is “Miss Me” and with the chorus if you aren’t paying attention you can miss Von Sell’s vocals with all of the other vocals and instruments that are coming in at that point.  If this is the case, which I think is, it conveys and connects with the title of the single really well.  Check out Von Sell’s “Miss Me” through SoundCloud – Richard: