Ryan Stevenson’s Latest Music Video “Hey Baby”


Ryan Stevenson and Raphael Di Raddo Productions are sharing his latest single and music video for “Hey Baby” with ComicPop LIbrary.  With “Hey Baby” it started out with a great beat and turned into a fun song that one could sing to and get into real easily.  The style of the single has definite Rock influences, but it is also infused with some Pop aspects.  Really catchy and easy to get into.  The music video is do very well.  The imagery is very clean and crisp and has a nice storyline to it.  So it shifts between the storyline and Ryan, but these shifts aren’t jarring.  How they filmed Ryan was complimentary to the actors in the storyline portions of the music video.  So check out Ryan Stevenson’s “Hey Baby” music video from his YouTube channel and be sure to visit his iTunes page for other music by Ryan – Richard: