WizKids has plans in place for new waves of Star Trek: Attack Wing in 2016. Wave 23 will be available in February and Wave 24 in March. Pictured above is the U.S.S. Montgolfier, which is part of wave 23 along with I.K.S. Amar and I.R.W. Jazkal. Then wave 24 will have Assimilated Vessel 77139, I.K.S. Klothos, and I.R.W. Devoras. Each wave will have three ships and will be at a $14.99 price point for each ship. So enjoy the new pieces whether you just collect the miniatures for display or play. To see images of the other five ships follow the link to ICv2 article, which has a picture gallery of them: http://icv2.com/articles/news/view/32322/star-trek-attack-wing-universe-continues-expand