MOXXI’s “From Here to Oblivion”


I honestly don’t know what to say about Moxxi but I’m gonna try anyways. First off the intro was cool but too muddled, if it was the exact same intro but cleaner I would’ve gotten into the song a lot more. I was taken by surprise when Moxxi started singing. I wasn’t expecting to hear some lyrics from another song in this one or the pop feel. But I can say that the familiarity of the lyrics from a different song helped me get into the song and the chorus was also very nice. It’s got a strong driving tempo and doesn’t slow down. The only part it really lost me was the brief time when it was slowed down and the very end. The end felt kindle jangly and it didn’t fit right. For the most part, however, I did enjoy Moxxi and I think any pop/retro fans will as well.
-April B.

Sadly the link to the “From Here to Oblivion” audio and YouTube video are private and we can’t share that with you.