Mike and Lindsie’s Walk Across America

On June 15, Michelle, Logan and I had the pleasure of hosting Mike and Lindsie Billeter for the evening.  Then Michelle got up early the next morning, after Mike and Lindsie spent the stormy night in our guest bedroom, and saw them off.  The couple are currently doing a faith based walk across America.  During the evening, to Lindsie’s chagrin, Mike and I talked about comic books, movies based on comic books and the collecting of comic books.  He got to see first hand the size of my collection, while Lindsie got to see what a collection can develop into over a period of time.  It was a fun and pleasant evening and I wish them well on their journey and I hope the guest bed was comfortable.  If you want to keep track of their progress, support their walk or make a comment their blog is Storming Jericho at http://stormingjericho.com/.