Another Trip to Oa?

It has been leaked that Warner Bros. is planning a second Green Lantern film.  The family and I are hoping to see the movie this week.  When you look at how much is coming out this year that is comic book related not every movie will have a great opening because with the expense of movies now, families have to pick and choose which they will see to save on money.  We had to wait because we didn’t have the money when it came out.  So hopefully this will possibly gain revenue from overseas and DVD sales.  Also with the new Green Lantern Animated Series being on the air, children will be more familiar with the character for a possible second movie.  Nothing is definite that a second movie will be made, but who knows.  But Warner Bros. has to get another franchise going since their biggest franchise is ending in July with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  Read more on this at ICv2’s link below.