Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse Trailer

This is a fun holiday season!  We have Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse to get ready for and just by looking at the trailer it looks to be a great ride!  Thanks to FilmSelect Trailer’s YouTube channel for the following trailer:

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Trailer

Marvel is giving us a new Spider-Man feature film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.  However, this time it’s an animated feature with all of the Spider-Verse Spider-Man, including Miles and Gwen.  Looks pretty good and I love the blending of animation styles.  Check out the trailer through Sony Pictures YouTube channel:

Ep 39 ComicPop…corn Movies – Spider-Man: Homecoming with Special Guest, Author William Schlichter

PlayEp 39 ComicPop…corn Movies – Spider-Man: Homecoming with Special Guest, Author William Schlichter

Swing into the friendly neighborhood of Spider-Man with his amazing friends the ComicPop Crew and special guest William Schlichter, author of No Room in Hell and Silver Dragon Chronicles series.  Hear what we think about this new Spider-Man and his entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we discuss Sony’s Spider-Man: Homecoming.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

Items Reviewed:

  1. Spider-Man: Homecoming, Jon Watts – director, Sony Entertainment, 2017.  ASIN: B073RVFNV2, $ 19.99.

Music Drops Used:

  1. “Train of Thought”, Four Songs, Andrew Lubman, 2007.


William Schlichter’s Facebook Page

William Schlichter’s BHC Press Authors Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Black Panther Final Trailer

So who else is pumped for Black Panther this weekend?  I definitely am!  I don’t watch all the trailers to leave a little mystery, but in this one I saw something that would be cool.  I know it probably isn’t going to be the case, but with Disney looking at acquiring 20th Century Fox it would be neat if they had a crossover like Sony did with Spider-Man.  At around 57 seconds into the trailer there is a character with white hair, it would be so cool if that would be Storm from the X-Men.  Like I said I know it probably isn’t so.  Anyway here’s the final trailer for Black Panther through Movie Trailers Source YouTube channel:

Spider-Man “Go Down Swinging” Trailer

Spider-Man’s next major story arc is set to hit this March with Amazing Spider-Man # 797.  The storyline is entitled “Go Down Swinging” and features the Green Goblin and the new Red Goblin.  So all you Spidey fans get ready for the ride.  For those that like collected editions don’t worry it will eventually hit in a collected graphic novel, you’ll just have to wait a bit.  Thanks to Marvel’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer

Who in their right mind is not seeing Spider-Man: Homecoming this weekend?  You know you want to see it.  Check out this trailer from Marvel Entertainment’s YouTube channel and tell me it doesn’t look fun:

Venom Feature Slated for 2018 Release

ICv2 is reporting that even before Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters, Sony is hard at work moving forward with a Venom feature film.  It is reported that Tom Hardy is slated to play Eddie Brock/Venom and the feature will be directed by Ruben Fleischer.  It is slated for a October 2018 release.

Avengers Infinity War First Look

I know everyone has probably seen this, but it’s just to cool not to have here.  It’s not just that it is the Marvel Universe with Avengers.  It’s also at the very beginning that we find out that Marvel and Sony are still playing nice and we will have Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War.  Very cool when you can get studios to work together.  Now if they can get 20th Century Fox on board as well, it could be spectacular.  Here is the first look video for Avengers: Infinity War through MovieClips Trailers YouTube channel:

Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer

Looks like Sony and Marvel/Disney are still playing nice, which is good for us.  I’ll definitely be in the theaters to check out Spider-Man Homecoming how about you?  Thanks to Marvel Entertainment’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Captain America’s Second Trailer


You knew as soon as I saw this trailer it was going up here.  It’s nice to see Spidey and I hope all of the companies will work out some type of deal to get the Marvel Universe back together would be cool to have the mutants in there as well.  Which they kind of did with Deadpool, because at the end of the movie for the final battle, unless my eyes deceive, they fight on a downed Helicarrier.  Anyway, enjoy the second trailer for Captain America: Civil War that Marvel is streaming on their YouTube channel: