Mike and Lindsie’s Walk Across America

On June 15, Michelle, Logan and I had the pleasure of hosting Mike and Lindsie Billeter for the evening.  Then Michelle got up early the next morning, after Mike and Lindsie spent the stormy night in our guest bedroom, and saw them off.  The couple are currently doing a faith based walk across America.  During the evening, to Lindsie’s chagrin, Mike and I talked about comic books, movies based on comic books and the collecting of comic books.  He got to see first hand the size of my collection, while Lindsie got to see what a collection can develop into over a period of time.  It was a fun and pleasant evening and I wish them well on their journey and I hope the guest bed was comfortable.  If you want to keep track of their progress, support their walk or make a comment their blog is Storming Jericho at http://stormingjericho.com/.

One Piece in Space

If you are planning a trip to Japan or live there you will want to check out you local planetariums.  The Konica Minolta Planetarium Company is sponsoring a Summer One Piece Planetarium event.  The planetariums that are participating will have One Piece characters during their sessions.  Nami will navigate visitors around constellations, meteors, and auroras while Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Franky will make interruptions.  There will also be anime scenes interspersed during the show, which will last 35 minutes.

Two of the Planetariums will be Manten Planetarium in Ikebukuro’s Sunshine City shopping center July 13 – September 8 and at Tenku Planetarium July 20 – September 1.  As mentioned earlier it will be at other planetariums so be sure to check them out and have some fun.


Monsters University Trailer

If you want something a little more lighter than zombies Monsters University comes out this weekend as well.  Thank you to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

World War Z Trailer

If you like you Zombie movies then this weekend is for you at the box office.  World War Z hits theaters this weekend so get ready for a wild ride.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

Ghost Loft Gives us “So High”

Danny Choi is the L.A. based visionary musician known as Ghost Lost.  He creates haunting musical soundscapes you’ll never forget.  Super Producer Mark Ronson counts himself as a fan of the hypnotic music of Ghost Lost.  One listen and you will too.
This is definitely what I would say could be mood music.  Very mellow, your body wants to sway back and forth with the music….like being “So High”.  If you click to watch the video above be warned that it is a mature video and some viewers might not appreciate it.
Ghost Loft’s highly anticipated debut album will be out later this year.

PleasePlease Has a Release

Summer Starts NOW

The Official EDM summer anthem will have you screaming
PleasePlease & “Viva La Piano”
PleasePlease is the New Zealand duo of Antony Jeffares & Ryan Mulligan.  The pair creates perfectly executed electronic dance music.  Their new single: “Viva La Piano” is the fuel injected, heart thumping, non-stop dance soundtrack to our summer festival.   Unlike other faceless and robotic EDM duos, PleasePlease add a warmth and personal touch often missing from the burgeoning music genre.
Very catchy tune.  Just the beat alone gets your body moving.  Just a fun song to have fun moving your body to and signing along with the lyrics.  Great Summer music.
Check Out Their Sun Soaked Video for “Viva La Piano” HERE!

PleasePlease will open for Passion Pit July 25th at
The Powerstation in Auckland, New Zealand
For more information, contact:
Amanda Charney / The Musebox

KickStarter from our Friends at SofaWolf


Our friends at SofaWolf Press have started a KickStarter for an omnibus edition of Ursula Vernon’s 2012 Hugo Award winning Digger.  The omnibus will contain all material from the six print editions plus extra content.  As always there are levels of contributions so you can choose the level that works well with your budget and help SofaWolf Press with this endeavor.  As of this time they have met their goal and have started doing flex goals for contributors.  So click on the link below to help out our friends:

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1234535943/digger-omnibus?ref=live – KickStarter Page for SofaWolf Press’ Digger

Tokyo Status Flight Cleared for Take Off


Come on board Tokyo Status flight 737 this Sat!!
Ages welcome! Full bar, rocking live performances, in flight crew dance off, team karaoke battle,
fashion show, live VJs, AMVs, in flight movie, vendors, food trucks….etc

We r a part of LBC summer block party! vow wow wow, flock of seagull and other 80’s bands r playing on the outdoor stage across the street from Tokyo Status.
It’s gonna be mega fun!