Ep. 34: It’s a Book, ComicPop Library

Ep. 34: It’s a Book, ComicPop Library

Join Chris, Matt, April, Logan and Richard as they review and discuss H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds and the graphic novel Anomaly by Skip Brittenham and Brian Haberlin.  You can listen here or wait until it hits our iTunes feed later today.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please e-mail us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com we love hearing from you.

Thank you to everyone that is following us and enjoy the show –


PlayEp. 34: It’s a Book, ComicPop Library


http://www.experienceanomaly.com/ – Anomaly Graphic Novel webpage

http://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?BandHash=a0b7f6596422c80c407910fbc5f717e7 – Andrew Lubman “Train of Thought” at MusicAlley.com

http://www.dcpl.info/?cat=19 – Dodge City Public Library Podcast Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library Facebook page.