Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 7 Berserker Crush

The seventh card, Berserker Crush, is more Winged Kuriboh support. This one lets you replace your Winged Kuribohs atk and def with a monster in your graveyard for the turn. It’s a quick-play spell card so if you can use it on your opponents turn as well. If you have something strong enough in your graveyard you might be able to keep your Winged Kuriboh in attack mode and only need to use it when your opponent decides to attack. If you try that you might want to have a probable reason to keep the Kuriboh in attack mode anyways, otherwise they’ll probably figure you have a trap for if they attack, though if they’ve seen you use it before that also might work as a bluff. If you have Winged Kuriboh then having this card is pretty good.