This is Why I Love Japan

Schick is teaming up with the Evangelion movies to give away 10,000 Hydro 5 Razors.  The winners will be randomly drawn today through July 29.  The event is being called “1-Man-Nin Sokai Sakusen” (Operation: Refresh 10,000).  A commercial was even made for it featuring Gendo and Kaji, from Evangelion.  Check it out below.  Thanks to “JapanSchick” on YouTube for the video:

Deadpool Game Trailer

This game is for all the Deadpool fans.  It is definitely a mature game since Deadpool is a mercenary.  Marvel fans will enjoy this and Deadpool is currently one of Marvel’s popular characters.  This is available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and MicroSoft Windows.  One to consider for the video game collection.  Thanks to “IGN” for the following trailer:

Company of Heroes 2 Game Trailer

Here’s one for military gamers that like playing on their PC’s.  Company of Heroes 2 is available to add to your collection.  Thanks to “IGN” for the following trailer:

PleasePlease Has a Release

Summer Starts NOW

The Official EDM summer anthem will have you screaming
PleasePlease & “Viva La Piano”
PleasePlease is the New Zealand duo of Antony Jeffares & Ryan Mulligan.  The pair creates perfectly executed electronic dance music.  Their new single: “Viva La Piano” is the fuel injected, heart thumping, non-stop dance soundtrack to our summer festival.   Unlike other faceless and robotic EDM duos, PleasePlease add a warmth and personal touch often missing from the burgeoning music genre.
Very catchy tune.  Just the beat alone gets your body moving.  Just a fun song to have fun moving your body to and signing along with the lyrics.  Great Summer music.
Check Out Their Sun Soaked Video for “Viva La Piano” HERE!

PleasePlease will open for Passion Pit July 25th at
The Powerstation in Auckland, New Zealand
For more information, contact:
Amanda Charney / The Musebox

A Fun Doctor Video!

This one is for those of you who miss David Tennant as the Doctor.  The video is a little longer than most, but stay with it, it’s a great bit.  Thank you to the “BBC” channel on YouTube for posting this for everyone to enjoy, check it out below. Thanks for letting me know about the video Michelle.

GroupLove finds “Ways to Go”

Grouplove gives us a new single and a video to go with it “Ways to Go”.  This is just full of catchy rhythms that just grab me.  The video is lighthearted as well and you can tell is was just to have fun with.  Great summer song!  Check out the music video below and for more indie music news visits Wild Honey Pies site here: You can see additional Grouplove music videos on YouTube from their forth coming album Spreading Rumours.

Man of Steel Trailer

The wait is finally over for the Man of Steel.  This weekend it comes to theaters near you.  Thanks to “nokia” on YouTube for providing the latest trailer:

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Trailer

Shochiku, a film distributor, began streaming a trailer for Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (or Star Blazers to a large group of fans).  Shochiku has distributing this anime series as a group of movies and is releasing the sixth movie June 15 entitled, Totatsu! Dai Magellan (Arrival! The Large Magellanic Cloud).  Hopefully when all is said and done this remake will make its way to the North American market, because Star Blazers is still recognizable by many anime fans.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network for the heads up.