Amazon Ventures into Comics

Later this year Amazon will be entering into the comic book publishing arena, with the imprint Jet City Comics.  The imprint will focus on adaptations of novels written by high profile science fiction and fantasy authors.  Some of the titles scheduled are: Meathouse; Wool; and The Foreworld Saga.  The titles will be first available on the Kindle e-reader and later in print collected editions.

Oblivion Trailer

There is only one blockbuster coming out this weekend and that is Tom Cruise’s Oblivion.  It looks like a decent SciFi/Adventure flick.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

Dark Skies Trailer

Dark Skies looks like a decent Science Fiction/Horror movie.  If you enjoy these shows you might want to check it out.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

Halo Web Series on YouTube

With Halo 4 coming out, there is a Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn web series to coincide with it.  The series can be found on YouTube on MachinimaPrime Channel.  This web series will appeal to gamers as well as science fiction fans.  I have provide links to the first two parts of the series and the trailer is below: – Part 1 of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn – Part 2 of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Looper Trailer

This is one for all of the Science Fiction/Time Traveler fans out there, Looper opens this Friday.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer:

Shownotes for Episode 20: One Little Thing


1. Who Goes There, John W. Campbell, 2009, Rocket Ride Books.  ISBN: 978-0982332207, $15.95.

2. The Thing From Another World, Director Christian Nyby, 2003, Turner Home Entertainment.  ASIN: B0009NHC0, between $6.00 – $14.00.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.

Other things mentioned were: Larry Niven; William Gibson; Robert Heinlein; Jules Verne; Leonardo da Vinci; James Arness; Jo; Wendy; Friends of Kansas Libraries; Kansas Library Conference; John Campbell Jr.; Kim Jong-il; Matt Dillion; Topeka; Korea; iPad; Firefox; Explorer; 501st; Boogie Man; World War I; Thought Experiment; “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”; Wright Brothers; Ebay; Classic Science Fiction; Classic Horror; Being Human; Day the Earth Stood Still; Protector; Stranger In a Strange Land; Gulliver’s Travels; Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Gunsmoke; Planet of the Apes; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Sly Cooper; Neromancer; Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests; and Father of Modern Science Fiction.

Episode 10, Neuromancer review:

Episode 15, Protector review:

Episode 16.5, Kansas Library Conference Interviews:


The Men in Black are Back

The men are back.  For all of your Science Fiction/Comedy fans Men In Black3  will hit the mark.  Remember the concept of Men In Black is based off of a graphic novel.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the trailer:

009 Re: Cyborg

009 Re:Cyborg is a title you might want to mention to your library’s purchasing agent to put on their list to purchase for you anime collections.  This is an adaptation of Shotaro Ishinomori’s Science Fiction manga 009 Cyborg which was also made into a anime series.  This title is an animated movie by Production I.G. and SANZIGEN Animation Studios and will be distributed by T-Joy in Japan in October.  So the title probably won’t show up in the North American market until December of 2012 or into the early part of 2013.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer: