Ep 26 ComicPopping Manga Style with 86 – Eighty-six

Ep 26 ComicPopping Manga Style with 86 – Eighty-six

Logan and Richard Take a look at the manga 86 – Eighty-six. We join up with the Spearhead Squadron on the frontlines with a new commanding officer. Will we survive the surprise I have discovered about the manga? Take a listen as we discuss and review Asato Asato’s 86 – Eighty-six.

What we reviewed in this episode:

1. 86 – Eighty-six Vol. 1-3, Asato Asato – Author, Shirabii – Illustrator, Motoki Yoshihara – Artist, Yen Press, 2020-2022.

Music clips used in this episode:

1.”3-bun 29-byo”, 86 – Eighty-six Opening 1, Pharmacy LP, Hitorie, Sony Music Associated Records, 2021.

2. “Avid”, 86 – Eighty-six Ending 1, V LP, Sawano Hiroyuki, SACRA MUSIC, 2021.


Yen Press Website

James Young’s Website.

James Young’s Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 15 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Tokyo ESP”

PlayEp 15 ComicPopping Manga Style with Tokyo ESP Vol. 1

The ComicPop Crew witnesses the birth of a new generation of superheroes and super villains.  How are all these people getting super powers – radiation or are they mutants?  No.  They get their powers by flying translucent fish passing through their bodies.  Join us as we discuss Hajime Segawa’s fun superhero adventure manga Tokyo ESP.

Here is another fun filled episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Tokyo ESP, Volume 1, Hajime Segawa, Vertical Comics, 2015.  ISBN: 978-1941220603, $15.95.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Tokyo ESP Opening 1”, Tokyo Zero Hearts, Faylan, Lantis, 2014.
  2. “Train of Thought”, Four Songs, Andrew Lubman, 2007.


Vertical Comics Website

Metropolis America’s Website

Metropolis America’s Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Yokai Girls Licensed for North American Market

AnimeNews Network is reporting that the Yokai Girls manga, by  Kazuki Funatsu, has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.  The first volume is planned for a November release date.  When pre-orders go up this might be one to look at to see if you want to include it in your manga library.

Death Note Teaser Trailer

Being a fan of the Death Note manga, anime, and live action film I’ll just have to wait and see how NetFlix will be interpreting Death Note.  Here is Death Note’s teaser trailer through MovieClips Trailers YouTube channel:

Ep 12 ComicPopping Manga Style with Terra Formars, Vol. 1


PlayEp 12 ComicPopping Manga Style with Terra Formars, Vol. 1

Join Logan, Jonathon, Jacob, Lenny, and Richard on a trip to Mars along with the Terra Formars troops.  The Earth is overpopulated and running out of resources so the powers that be sent terraforming technology to Mars in an attempt to make it habitable for the human race.  500 years later we send our first manned expedition to Mars to see if the mission was a success.  However, there were a few bugs in the process…literally and they are out for blood.

Here is another fun filled episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Terra Formars, Vol. 1, Yu Sasuga – author, Ken-ichi Tachibana – artist, Viz Media, 2014.  ISBN: 978-1421571546, $12.99.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Murder Mitten, Terra Formars Opening Theme,” I See Stars, 2014.
  2. “Train of Thought, Andrew Lubman.


http://www.viz.com/ – Viz Media’s Webpage.

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialVIZMedia/?fref=ts – Viz Media’s Facebook Page

http://thewileyone.com/ – The Wiley Ones’ Website

https://www.facebook.com/thewileyone – The Wiley Ones’ Facebook Page

http://www.andrewlubman.com/Welcome.html – Andrew Lubman’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/AllYouNeedIsLub?fref=ts – Andrew Lubman’s FaceBook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

In Search of the Lost Future Trailer

lost future

In Search of the Lost Future is an series that FUNimation is releasing in sub only.  This doesn’t bother me and won’t bother any anime watchers because they will be used to it if you are considering it for a public library collection.  This looks intriguing and to be a good addition to an individuals collection.  Thanks to FUNimation’s YouTube channel for the trailer:

Ep 11 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Maid-Sama!, Vol. 1 – 2”


PlayEp 11 ComicPopping Manga Style with “Maid-Sama!”

Join April, Lenny, Jonathon, Logan, and Richard as they transfer to Seika High and meet Misaki and Takumi.  Along with Takumi, the ComicPop Crew, find out about Misaki’s secret….What could it be as we discuss Maid-Sama! by Hiro Fujiwara.

Here is another fun filled episode, by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Maid-Sama! 2-in-1 Edition, Hiro Fujiwara, Viz Media, 2015.  ISBN: 978-1421581309, $14.99.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “My Secret”, Mizumo Saaya, Kaichou wa Maid Sama Opening Song, 2010.


http://www.viz.com/ – Viz Media’s Webpage.

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialVIZMedia/?fref=ts – Viz Media’s Facebook Page

http://fieldhousebook.com/ – Scott Novosel’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/fieldhouse.book?fref=ts – Scott Novosel’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook

One-Punch Man On Cartoon Network

one punch man

Cartoon Network has working with Viz Media to bring an English dubbed version of the anime One-Punch Man to the Network’s Adult Swim Toonami block.  The series will debut on July 16 and have new episodes each Saturday.  So keep an eye on your local listings for the time and check out the trailer from CineStream’s YouTube channel.  Thanks to ICv2 for the update:

Alice Underground/Cowboy Bebop!

alice underground 1

Alice Underground is fast becoming one of my favs.  First it was their single and music video “Superman”.  Now check out this video they did with “Tank!” the theme from Cowboy Bebop. one of my favorite anime and it fits Alice Underground’s style perfectly.  Just pure fun!  The video is great and emulates the opening sequence to Cowboy Bebop perfectly.  If you are going to go to Anime Expo this weekend be sure to go to Alice Underground’s concert and support them.  If you are unable to attend check out the video from their YouTube channel and be sure to look them up on your digital vendors – Richard: