Ace Attorney Trailer

Have you ever wondered what an animated lawyer show would be like.  Well in Japan they did and they made manga and anime for Ace Attorney and it has become quite popular.  Now FUNimation Entertainment is distributing the anime to the North American market.  So be on the look out for Part 1 of Ace Attorney coming soon.  Here’s the trailer that FUNimation’s YouTube channel has provided for you to check out:

Tokyo Ghoul Live Action Trailer

If you are lucky enough the live action adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul will be in select theaters October 16-22.  If you are like us and don’t live near a large city you’ll just have to wait until it gets released on DVD/Blu-ray.  How long that wait will be I’m not sure, but at least fans in North America have FUNimation that is going to be a distributor for the film.  Here’s the trailer for Tokyo Ghoul for you through FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Tsukiuta Trailer

If you have a joy for J-Pop or K-Pop this the anime Tsukiuta looks to be the right fit for you.  Our family loves this type of music so we will have to pick this up and check it out.  Looks to have some fun music in it.  Here’s the trailer for Tsukiuta through FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

FUNimation’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

FUNimation is has posted a Hurricane Harvey Relief video on the 29, but it is still something that people can help out with.  If some of you didn’t know FUNimation is based out of Texas and they want to help out the community affected by Hurricane Harvey.  This is a way for you to help as well by joining them in their relief effort.  We send out our thoughts and prayers along with so many others for the communities that have been affected by Harvey as I know our listeners do as well.  This is just another way you can help out if you are moved to do so.  From FUNimations YouTube channel “Hurricane Harvey Relief”:

Space Dandy Trailer

Space Dandy is one of those anime that is just fun to watch because of it’s absurdity.  FUNimation will be releasing the complete series in the near future.  So if you haven’t picked it up yet this would be a way to add it to your anime library in one fell swoop.  Here’s the trailer from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Ep 11 ComicPop Get Animated with Kaze No Stigma

PlayEp 11 ComicPop Gets Animated with Kaze No Stigma

Join Logan and Richard as they travel back to Japan.  While there they wonder into a mystical battle for the ages.  They stand with Kazuma and Ayano as they navigate dangerous waters as well as the dangerous waters of Kazuma and Ayano’s turbulent relationship!  Will they get along enough to defeat the evildoers in Kaze No Stigma: Complete Series.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

Item reviewed:

  1. Kaze No Stigma: Compete Series S.A.V.E., Tyler Walker – director, FUNimation Prod., 2012.  ASIN: B005W2BWSA, $15.83.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Blast of Wind”, Kaze No Stigma Opening, Saori Kiuji, Anime Project, 2007.


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Tokyo Ravens Trailer

Tokyo Ravens from FUNimation looks fun.  If you are into urban fantasy this will be right up your alley.  It also looks to be just a good anime in general that you might want to add to your anime library.  Check out Tokyo Ravens from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Orange the Complete Series Trailer

Orange The Complete Series anime is up for Pre-Order on FUNimation’s website  It looks to be a slice of life coming of age series with the lead female character somehow getting a letter, from her future self, about a new boy in her class and not to make the mistakes she made.  Looks to be a interesting anime that you might want to add to your anime library’s.  Here’s the trailer or really a clip from Orange from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

Samurai Warriors Trailer

FUNimation has released another anime for you to consider adding to your libraries.  Samurai Warriors: The Complete Series is now available.  Here’s the trailer through FUNimation’s YouTube channel: