Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 14 Kuribohrn

The fourteenth card is Kuribohrn, which was made to support the other Kuribohs. This one can be discarded to revive one of your monsters that has just been destroyed by battle, but its main effect is that you can banish it from the graveyard to revive as many “Kuriboh” monsters that you have room for. That effect could be useful if you combine it with the Kuribohs that have effects on the field like Relinkuriboh and Winged Kuriboh LV9. It can also be good for getting fodder for any summoning that can use level 1 monsters. This is one of the cards that can help a good number of the other cards in this advent calendar which is neat.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 13 Relinkuriboh

The thirteenth card, Relinkuriboh, is a Kuriboh that has yet to show up in the anime or manga of Yu-Gi-Oh. If you tribute it you get to draw a card, and it can banish itself from the graveyard to stop one of your monsters from being destroyed by battle. If you want to take advantage of Relinkuribohs first effect you need a way to tribute it, which could be for summoning a higher level monster or to use effects like with Cannon Soldier or Obelisk the Tormentor. Honestly as long as you can get the first effect off it’s probably worth using.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 12 Sphere Kuriboh

The twelfth card is also a Kuriboh from Vrains. This one when you discard it in response to an attack forces the monster into defense mode, which can either stall for a bit or force the enemy into a place they can be destroyed. Its second ability lets it be banished from the grave to help in a ritual summoning. This can be moderately useful in any ritual summoning deck, especially when the ritual spell requires the exact level. It’s a good card if you have ritual monsters, and if you don’t want to use Multiply or Detonate then it should be better than the standard Kuriboh.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 11 Linkuriboh

The eleventh card is Vrains Kuriboh. This one is a Link monster that needs a level 1 sacrifice to summon. It can be sacrificed to temporarily set an attacking monsters atk to 0, and it can be summoned from the graveyard just like if it was in the extra deck, though you can only summon it from the graveyard once a turn. As long as your deck includes level 1 monsters Linkuriboh can be added to the Extra Deck as a nice option to stall things.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 10 Rainbow Kuriboh

The tenth card is another Kuriboh from Zexal, the Rainbow Kuriboh. It can be equipped to an opponents monster when they try to attack and stop them from attacking at all, and if you’re attacked directly and it’s in the grave you can special summon it and when it next leaves the field it gets banished. You can use those effects once per turn. The first effect is actually pretty good, and since it can be applied during your opponents battle phase you don’t have to worry about them sacrificing the monster for something else before a turn has passed. This Kuriboh actually has less atk and def than normal Kuribohs, having 100 of each. The second effect can shield for a hit and works from the grave but that’s about it. It might be useful but probably only if you are going for a Kuriboh deck or something that requires equip spells.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 9 Kurivolt

The ninth card is ZEXALs Kuriboh, Kurivolt. This one is actually more about interactions with Xyz monsters than battle, being able to erase a material to summon another Kurivolt. It can’t be used in Synchro Summoning, but it could be useful in both Rank 1 Xyz monsters and with link summons. It seems like one of its main uses is to erase one of your opponents Xyz materials, and is definitely worth having if you’re up against someone that works with Xyz often.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 8 Junkuriboh

The eighth card is the Kuriboh from the 5D’s manga. It can be discarded to stop an opponents effect damage from going through and destroying whatever card he was using to do it. You can also tribute it for the same effect. This seems to be a decent effect, especially against burn decks.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 7 Berserker Crush

The seventh card, Berserker Crush, is more Winged Kuriboh support. This one lets you replace your Winged Kuribohs atk and def with a monster in your graveyard for the turn. It’s a quick-play spell card so if you can use it on your opponents turn as well. If you have something strong enough in your graveyard you might be able to keep your Winged Kuriboh in attack mode and only need to use it when your opponent decides to attack. If you try that you might want to have a probable reason to keep the Kuriboh in attack mode anyways, otherwise they’ll probably figure you have a trap for if they attack, though if they’ve seen you use it before that also might work as a bluff. If you have Winged Kuriboh then having this card is pretty good.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 6 Sabatiel – The Philosopher’s Stone

The sixth card is a support card for Winged Kuriboh. If you have Winged Kuriboh in your graveyard you can pay half your life points to obtain Polymerization or a Fusion spell card, and if you have three of Sabatiel in your graveyard you can banish them to increase one of your monsters atk by the highest atk on the field. Its second effect can either make one of your monsters the strongest on the field, or double its strength, which is great, but its first effect causes some confusion. Going by what I know of Multiply Sabatiels first effect only works with Winged Kuriboh, and not either of its LV forms, but Polymerization and Fusion in the effect text have the same quotation marks around it and it follows that with specifying that Diffusion Wave-Motion isn’t a valid target, which if that needed specifying should mean that Sabatiel would work with the Winged Kuriboh LV cards, and Multiply with any cards with Kuriboh in the title. Either way it seems like a good card to me, if you have a fusion deck then Winged Kuriboh is not bad to use as a wall for a turn, and you can also try and use copies of Sabatiel as fodder for effects like Graceful Charity. All in all it seems like a pretty good card.

Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar 2019 5 Winged Kuriboh LV9

The fifth card is one of the Kuribohs from GX, and instead of being used to stop damage this one is a battler. You can summon it manually for two tributes, or special summon it at a chain link of three or more. Its stats are 500 x the number of spell cards your opponent has in their grave, but any spells used when he is on the field get banished instead of going to the graveyard. You can also only have one of them at a time. If you use a lot of spell cards this can combo well with cards like Gren Maju Da Eiza and Golden Homunculus. It can also help set up for Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon, being a level 9 monster and banishing spells for Heart-eartH Dragons resurrection effect. This card seems to be pretty good on its own and with other cards.