The ninth card is Wind-Up Rabbit, a toy bunny. It is part of a set focused on XYZ summons. A lot of the Wind-Up cards also have the once while it’s face up on the field effects like this one. The Wind-Up Rabbit can banish one of your Wind-Up monsters until your next standby phase, which can make them evade destruction effects, and possibly renews their abilities by getting them temporarily off the field. If it does renew them then this card can actually evade destruction multiple times, as long as it doesn’t save a different monster, and since one of the XYZ monsters is rank 3 that could be a viable plan. Having it on the field evading whenever necessary, waiting for another level 3 to show up so you can summon the XYZ monster immediately after getting your second monster. You would at least want to summon this one first as none of the others can stop their own destruction. A nice card, especially for rank 3 summons, and thank you to Hill and Knowlton Strategies and Konami for giving us this Advent Calendar.