Ep 13 ComicPop On The Road at TopCon Geek Expo 2017

PlayEp 13 ComicPop On The Road at TopCon Geek Expo 2017

Jonathon and Lynn got to go to TopCon Geek Expo this year.  They had a great time and wanted to share their trip with everyone.  Lynn was there with his novel Zombie Waltz Volume 2. Jonathon rode along to keep him company.  Both got to see several of our friends and meet new friends.  So sit back and join us as Jonathon and Lynn recount their fun trip to TopCon Geek Expo.

Lynn’s next stop is at the Little Apple Comic Expo this weekend in Manhattan, Kansas.  So be sure to stop by his booth and get your copies of Zombie Waltz.

Music Drops Used:

  1. “Movin’ Right Along”, Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie SoundTrack, Atlantic Records, 1979.


Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

Jonathon’s Room Facebook Page

TopCon Geek Expo’s Website

Little Apple Comic Expo

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 81 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz Volume 2”


PlayEp 81 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of Zombie Waltz Book 2

Lynn E. Main joins ComicPop with news of the release of the second volume for his Zombie Waltz Trilogy.  Some exciting news as well for our listeners…Lynn will be at TopCon (Topeka, Kansas) this weekend September 9th and 10th, where you can go and see him in person.  Pick up your copy of Zombie Waltz Volume 2 and have Lynn sign it!  Lynn also gives exclusive news about a new project he is working on, so be sure to listen.

What we discussed in this episode:

  1. Zombie Waltz Volume 2, Lynn E. Main, CreateSpace, 2017.  ISBN: 978-1545207895, $12.95.

Music clips:

  1. “Strangers Like Me”, Tarzan Soundtrack, Phil Collins, Walt Disney Records, 1999.
  2. “One Call Away”, Nine Track Mind, Charlie Puth, Artist Partner Group, 2016.


Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

TopCon Geek Expo

Scott Novosel’s Website

Scott Novosel’s Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 57 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 2


PlayEp 57 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 2

Join the ComicPop Crew and Lynn E. Main, author of Zombie Waltz 1, as we continue our visit in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “Katy Perry – The One That Got Away ‘Music Video Parody’ (Zombie Apocalypse)”, WinterSpringPro, YouTube, 2011.
  2. “Do You Wanna Kill Some Zombies?” ‘ The Last of Us’ parody (Frozen’s “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?”), OzzaWorld, YouTube, 2014.


https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts – Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

worldashome@hotmail.com – Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

http://www.deadheartsnovel.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website

http://www.susannelambdin.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/susanne.lambdin – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 56 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 1


PlayEp 56 ComicPop Visits with Lynn E. Main, Author of “Zombie Waltz 1”, Pt 1

In this episode Lynn E. Main visits with the ComicPop Crew.  Lynn shares how he came up with the concept of Zombie Waltz 1 and the journey to bringing it to publication.  So join the Crew, in our first part of visiting with Lynn.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “I’m A Zombie Maybe” Carly Rue Jepsen – Call Me Maybe Parody, Skudiff als Gamer, YouTube, 2013.
  2. “The Zombie Song – Parody”, Stephanie Mabey, KawaiiWerewolf, YouTube, 2012.


https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts – Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

worldashome@hotmail.com – Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

https://www.facebook.com/mike.mundy3?fref=ts – Mike Mundy’a Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Ep 15 ComicPop Licensed to Read “Zombie Waltz 1”

comicpoplogo-facebook2Zombie Waltz1

PlayEp 15 ComicPop Licensed to Read Zombie Waltz 1

Welcome to Florida where the sun shines bright and the days are nice.  But as Logan, Jonathon, and Richard find out, Florida has things that creep around at night and even during the day.  Join them as they dodge more zombies while discussing Lynn E. Main’s Zombie Waltz 1.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Zombie Waltz 1, Lynn E. Main, CreateSpace, 2016.  ISBN: 978-1534666634, $12.95.

Music clips used this episode:

  1. “Astro Zombies”, Walk Among Us, The Misfits, Ruby Slash, 1982.
  2. “Train of Thought, Andrew Lubman.


https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts – Zombie Waltz Facebook Page “DeadBoys Life”

worldashome@hotmail.com – Lynn E. Main’s E-Mail Address

www.lolitadark.com – Lolita Dark’s website

facebook.com/lolitadarkmusic – Lolita Dark’s Facebook Page

www.digjelly.com – Dig Jelly’s website

facebook.com/digjelly – Dig Jelly’s Facebook Page

http://www.andrewlubman.com/Welcome.html – Andrew Lubman’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/AllYouNeedIsLub?fref=ts – Andrew Lubman’s FaceBook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Zombie Waltz Available from Lynn E. Main

Zombie Waltz1

Just sending out a reminder that Lenny, one of our co-hosts, has published the first volume of Zombie Waltz.  You can order it through Amazon or contact him through his Facebook page to receive an autographed copy, both links are provided below.  In the next month you will get our thoughts on Zombie Waltz I on a future podcast:

https://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Waltz-Mr-Lynn-Main/dp/153466663X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471534348&sr=8-1&keywords=zombie+waltzZombie Waltz‘ Amazon link

https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=tsZombie Waltz‘ Facebook Page

Lynn E. Main’s Zombie Waltz

Zombie Waltz ZynnZombie Waltz1

ComicPop Library’s own Lynn E. Main has released the first installment of his Zombie Waltz Series.  Be sure to stop by Amazon and support him ( https://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Waltz-Mr-Lynn-Main/dp/153466663X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467902540&sr=1-1&keywords=zombie+waltz ) You can receive updates from Lynn by “Liking” his Facebook page for Zombie Waltz ( https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/?fref=ts ).  Congratulations to Lynn on see his story make print!

Having Some Fun with “Zombie Waltz”

Zombie Waltz Zynn

PlayThe End of ComicPop?

Having some fun with Lenny one of our Co-Hosts.  He has been working on a treatment for Zombie Waltz to get interest back into the possibility of publishing.  Not sure when it will happen, but when it does we here at ComicPop wish him all the best in having a fun ride.  Thanks to Vance Major for helping Lenny and ShadowStorm Studios & Perfect Pursuit for using the Theme to Melbourne an upcoming Star Trek fan film produced by Vance.

https://www.facebook.com/DeadBoyslife/ – Zombie Waltz’ Facebook Page

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmEzu6xVMA-nzyEK5qBsyA – ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

https://www.facebook.com/Shadowstormstudios/?fref=ts – ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/ThePerfectPursuit/?fref=ts – Perfect Pursuit’s Facebook Page