Tournament Numbers Up

Here is some interesting numbers for libraries that have gaming fans.  ICv2 spoke with Yumi Hoashi, VP of Konami Digital Entertainment, and she reports that Yu-Gi-Oh tournament participant numbers are up for 2011.  The Regional Qualifiers was up 27% and the Championship Series was up 17%.  This might be something to consider and possibly make libraries think about hosting game play for the different trading card games as events.

Some Super Rare Cards back in Circulation

Konami has announced that two super rare variant cards, from previous releases, will be included in the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s: Hidden Arsenal Special Edition.  The two cards will be sorted at a one per box ratio.  The cards are: “XX-Saber Emmersblade” and “Naturia Pineapple”.  The cards are scheduled as a July 12 street date.  Any librarians that have patrons into the Trading Card Games can use this as a talking point and possibly be the first to tell them about it.

Mickey’s Gift to Logan

Mickey recently gifted Logan with some Japanese Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh Cards.  This is how it goes when you follow the progression of pictures.  Logan first sees that he has some new packages of cards from Mickey.  Next Logan realizes that they are from Japan!  And finally third he appreciates what he is holding in his hands.  Kudos to Mickey for getting these for Logan, as you can tell they were a smash hit!

4Kids Responds to Alligations

4Kids Entertainment has responded to the suit by TV Tokyo and Nihon Ad Systems.  4Kids has stated that the letter to terminate  did not comply with the 10 business day notice and cure provision written in the agreement for the Yu-Gi-Oh license.  They also stated that the termination was wrongful and devoid of any factual and legal basis.  What will happen will ultimately be up to the courts.  Follow the link below to the full article at Anime News Networks’ site.

4Kids Entertainment lose Yu-Gi-Oh

Anime News Network has a report that TV Tokyo and Nihon Ad Systems have filed suit against 4Kids Entertainment accusing them of “underpayments, wrongful deductions and unmet obligations” in regards to their contract for the rights of Yu-Gi-Oh.  The article also states that the two companies have terminated their Yu-Gi-Oh deal with 4Kids Entertainment.  For the full article, which gives figures, link over to Anime News Network below.

Resident Evil Playing League

Libraries that have Trading Card Gamers will want to pass this along to them.  Resident Evil: Alliance TCG came out in January and proved to be a hit, with an expansion set planned.  Because of this, Bandai is planning to release a league play program.  Think of the Magic The Gathering & Yu-Gi-Oh league play tournaments.  Tell your patrons to ask their local hobby shops if they plan on taking part of this program.  Link on over to ICv2’s site for the article.

Yu-Gi-Oh Gold!

Librarians that have Trading Card Gamers will want to pass this news along to them.  Especially if a patron is into Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole.  This June Konami is releasing Yu-Gi-Oh Gold Series 4: Pyramids Edition only to hobby retailers (Comic books stores/Gaming stores).  Hobby stores will also get 2 new playmats and there will be a third playmat that will only be available at stores that are Official Tournament stores.  Jump over to ICv2 for the brief article.

Yu-Gi-Oh 3D Movie card pack

If some of your libraries are in the area that the new Yu-Gi-Oh 3D: Bonds Beyond Time movie will be shown let your patrons now about the movie packs.  ICv2 has the article about this, however it is unclear if these will be available to purchase at the theaters or elsewhere.  The link below will take you to the article.  Let your anime and card gaming fans know about this if they don’t already.