HeroClix Gets a Shield

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WizKids has announce another set of HeroClix for all you fans of this line of games or if you just like the small figures.  The set will be another Marvel set entitled Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is scheduled for a July release.  Get ready to try to find 86 figures that will include: 24 Common figures; 18 Uncommon figures; 16 Rare figures; 13 Super Rare figures; 5 Chase figures; and 5 Unique 3D objects.

More HeroClix’s Coming

The 3rd set of WizKids’ Star Trek Tactics HeroClix will be coming to a specialty stores this September.  The set will include 28 models and four new species: Bajorans; Kazon; Species 8472; and the Borg.  There will be a starter set that will include 4 ships, a rulebook, tokens, Powers & Abilities Card, and two maps.  The suggested retail price will be $24.99 for the starter sets.  There will also be booster packs for $4.99.  This will appeal to all the HeroClix fans, but also Star Trek fans, so have fun building your sets.
