Godzilla Teaser Trailer

We are getting another chance at making a Godzilla movie.  I didn’t mind the last one, but Godzilla has a specific look that was not represented, which upset a lot of fans.  This time it looks like Warner Bros. is trying to keep that specific image that everyone gets when you say Godzilla.  Thanks to the “Godzilla” channel on YouTube for providing this teaser trailer, it looks fairly decent and it is scheduled for a May 16, 2014 release date:

We Get Another DC Hero on the Big Screen

Warner Bros. has announced that Gal Gadot will be in the next Superman movie, portraying Wonder Woman.  That means that the Big Three DC Comics Heroes will be in this movie (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman).  Sounds interesting and we all know that Warner Bros. is trying to get into a franchise set around the Justice League as Disney has done with Marvel Entertaiment’s Avengers franchise with individual movies around the main movie.  The movie is scheduled to be released July 17, 2015.

Black Butler Trailer

Black Butler is a manga series by Yana Toboso and is being release by Yen Press.  Great news for the fans of the series in a since.  The live action Black Butler is set to be released in Japan, January 18, 2014.  The film stars Hiro Mizushima as Sebastian and Ayame Goriki as Shiori, Sebastian’s newest master.  The movie is set 130 into the future of the manga series so it is not a straight up adaptation, but could be looked at as a future story for the series.  It depends on how one looks at the film.  Since Warner Bros. is involved with production I would think that this movie will eventually make it to the North American market either as a dubbed or at least a subtitled movie.  Thanks to “NatashaJapan” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer

For all you video gamers today is the release date for Batman: Arkham Origins.  This is one that many will want to add to their video game collection.  It not only hits the gamers sweet spot, but the Batman fans sweet spot as well.  Thanks to the “Batman Arkham City” channel on YouTube for the following trailer:

Gravity Trailer

Here is one that science fiction fans will gravitate to.  This weekend Gravity opens which looks to be a character study of these two astronauts with minimal other characters.  Thanks to Warner Bros YouTube trailer for the following trailer:

Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox Trailer

The latest DC Animated movie, Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox, is available to purchase.  This would be a nice addition to your animation collection.  Thanks to “IGN” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Veronica Mars Movie is Coming

If you remember a few months back I we had a story about the Veronica Mars televisions series starting a Kickstarter to make a movie.  Well the funds were raised and Warner Bros. released a trailer at Comic-Con this past weekend.  The movie is currently being filmed.  No word if it is a theatrical or tv movie or straight to DVD, we’ll have to wait and see on that front, but until then have fun watching the video below from “veronicamarsmovie’ channel on YouTube: