Resident Evil Trailer

AnimeNews Network is reporting that gamers won’t have to wait as long for Resident Evil 6.  The game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release date has been moved up to October 2, 2012, from its previous November release date.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network, through YouTube, for the trailer below:

Today is Mass Effect Day

Today is the day that Mass Effect 3 hits store shelves.  So if you haven’t picked up your copy yet, hopefully there will still be some copies left at the store.  Thanks to ICv2 and YouTuber “biowaremasseffect” for the following trailer.

CAPCOM releasing Steel this June

This June gamers will be able to pick up CAPCOM’s Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for the XBox 360 Kinect.  The release schedule is planned for June 19 in North America, June 21 in Japan, and June 22 in Europe.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTuber CapcomUnityVideos for the trailer.

Another Zombie Themed Game

Warner Bros. is bring the world of gaming Lollipop Zombie later this year.  This game is definitely not for children.  However, for your older gamers (16 and up) will probably get a kick out of this game.  It is reminiscent of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.  It has the cheerleader aspect, but with zombies not vampires.  While it is a horror game it is full of funny dialogue.  Thanks to YouTuber “gamespot” for the trailer below.

Be warned though this trailer contains some language, partial nudity and gory situations.


Soul Calibur V Graffiti Art

Namco Bandai Games Europe came up with a cool way to advertise for Soul Calibur V.  They hired two graffiti artists to do a mural on the Great Eastern Street Wall in London’s East End.  The information on YouTube on gives the name of one artist that painted the advertisement and that is Jim Rockwell.  The below video shows a time-lapse of the painting and a scan of the whole painting when it is completed, which took three days.  The very end of the video is a trailer for Soul Calibur V.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube Channel “NamcoBandaiGamesEU” for the news and video.

Soul Calibur V

Namco Bandai Games Europe has released an English dubbed, character trailer for Soul Calibur V.  This game is set for release on January 31 and will be available for the X-Box 360 and PS3 gaming platforms.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTuber NamcoBandaiGamesEU for the following trailer.

Playing Video Games at the Supreme Court

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s site has posted a short article over Video Games.  The Supreme Court is currently looking at a case Brown v. EMA.  In this case California is seeking an appeal on a law the state passed, that minors can not purchase video games that have violent content because it is harmful to minors.  Within their own state the law was struck down as a violation of the 1st Amendment, hence the appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.  What is worry some to the CBLDF and others is that this law if left to stand could be expanded to include other forms of media to include comic books.  For the full article make the jump below.