Soul Sacrifice Trailer

The PlayStation Japan YouTube channel has begun streaming the trailer for the PlayStation Vita game, Soul Sacrifice.  This might be one that you want to consider for your video gaming collections.  It will be available in Japan March 7, North America April 30, and Europe May 1.

Gaming Ban in NJ Library

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has signed a letter from the National Coalition Against Censorship to the Paterson Free Public Library in Paterson, New Jersey.  The letter was sent in response to the library banning the play of first-person shooters on library computers.

The letter takes library officials to task for subscribing to the same unsupported views that led to video game bans in Massachusetts, a presidential recommendation and proposed bill mandating research on video games and violence, and the fallacious claim by one senator that video games are a “bigger problem” than guns. NCAC writes in their letter:

The library has not offered any sound justification for removing access to specific games. Instead, according to published reports, librarians are taking this action to “prevent our kids from learning these behaviors.’’ This assumes that viewers will simply imitate behaviors represented in fictional settings without any independent mental intermediation, a proposition that is palpably false and that the library implicitly rejects by offering access to all sorts of internet sites and maintaining a varied collection of books, magazines, videos and other materials.

The letter further points out that the library is not allowed to selectively ban access to printed materials that are protected by the Constitution, so they cannot do so with video games. Further, library officials are not allowed to remove protected materials simply because they do not like them.

Further, the ban applies to patrons of all ages, including adults, thus violating their First Amendment rights.

Follow the link below to the full article and letter that was sent by the National Coalition Against Censorship:


Hakouki Video Game Trailer

Aksys Games, the distributor for Hakuoki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi, North American release began streaming the trailer below on their YouTube Channel.  The video game will be available for the PlayStation Portable on February 19. Might be something to consider for you next video game collection purchase:

More Pokemon to Catch Later this Year

Nintendo has announced that this coming October Pokemon X & Y will be released worldwide for the Nintendo 3DS.  Gamers will have to wait patiently for this game, but above is images of the three new Pokemon that will be introduced with this game.  Thanks to YouTube through AnimeNews Network for the following trailer:

Gamers Get Naruto Anouncement but have to Wait

Namco Bandai Games has begun streaming the trailer for the North American release of Naruto: Powerful Shippuden, for the Nintendo 3DS system.  However, gamers have to wait until December to own the North American release.  Thanks to Namco, through YouTube, for the following trailer:

Fire Emblem Trailer

Nintendo has announced that Fire Emblem Awakening will be available in the United States for the 3DS System beginning February 4.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network for the info. and the following trailer:

Summon Knight 5 Trailer

Namco Bandai Games has released the trailer for Summon Knight 5.  This title will be available for PSP, spring 2013.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer:

Episode 8 of ComicPop Library Visits with the Co-Founder of Hack Art Lab, John Harrison

Welcome to another episode of ComicPop Visits.  Today Richard visits with John Harrison, Co-Founder of Hack Art Lab, about his display “Art in Motion”.  It is on display with Exploration Place’s “Videotopia” exhibit and will carry over into their next exhibit “Animation” featuring Cartoon Network.

The “Videotopia” exhibit ends January 1st, so make sure you stop by Exploration Place while you are in Wichita, Kansas, before our third life runs out.


PlayEpisode 8 of ComicPop Visits with Co-Founder of Hack Art Lab, John Harrison – Website for Hack Art Lab – Website for Exploration Place – “Ultimate Epic Video Game Medley 3rd Strike” by Insane Ian

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