Ep 42 ComicPop…corn Movies with The Best Things Star Trek Fan Film Commentary

PlayEp 42 ComicPop…corn Movies with The Best Things Star Trek Fan Film Commentary

Vance Major contacted the Crew here and asked us to do a commentary on one of his Star Trek Fan Films.  Jonathon picked the film which is a two parter that is edited into one film.  The short film he chose was part of, what I call, “The Minard Chronicles” entitled The Best Things, directed and starring Vance Major.  So have fun with us as we provide commentary for The Best Things A Star Trek Fan Film.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list. Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording. Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you. So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

Items Reviewed:

The Best Things A Star Trek Fan Film, Vance Major – director, No Budget Productions, 2018.


No Budget YouTube Channel

Vance Major’s Facebook Page

Promenade Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

The Constar Chronicles Promo Video

Constar animation at the beginning looks very nice. Introductions of the crew was an interesting concept (keeping them faceless until the wide shot). Capt Minard just looks pissed (going to have to find out who stole you’re pizza rolls). Don’t know if this is the direction you are going in but the statement about the Constar doing the jobs “no one else will” lends to Section 31. I like the concept of Section 31 having a starship attached to them. Could lead to some interesting stories. Warp speed ahead Mate you got my interest.  Check out Vance Major’s Promo for the Star Trek Fan Film “The Constar Chronicles” through his No Budget Productions YouTube channel – Richard:

Ep 85 ComicPop Visits with Vance Major About his Star Trek Fan Film Productions

PlayEp 85 ComicPop Visits with Vance Major About his Star Trek Fan Film Productions

Vance Major joins the ComicPop Crew to discuss his many Star Trek Fan Film Productions featuring Officer Eric Minard.  This visit was recorded before Starbase Studios announcement with Vance.  As he states in our visit he hasn’t finished treking through the stars completely.  Join us for another fun cruise.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “What’s Up”, Bigger, Better, Faster, More!, 4 Non Blondes, Interscope Records, 1992.
  2. “Hip To Be Square”, Fore!, Huey Lewis and The News, Chrysalis Records, 1986.


Uncool Trekkie YouTube Channel

Vance Major’s Facebook Page

Promenade Facebook Page

ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

Starship Valiant, Star Trek fan film Website

Starship Valiant, Star Trek fan film YouTube Channel

Starship Valiant , Star Trek fan film Facebook Page

Starbase Studios Facebook Page

Starbase Studios YouTube Channel

Starbase Studios Website

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

“Crying Wolf” A Star Trek Fan Film Production

Vance Major has been a busy person this last year with all the fan films he has been creating.  In his latest release entitled Crying Wolf, Vance utilizes the guidelines set forth by CBS to create a solo experience with Captain Minard. Minard must take in a betrayal and the consequences that it has lead to with the U.S.S. Constar.  A very nice piece of introspective work and one can only wonder – where will everything go from here?  Check it out below and be sure to check out his other fan films on his YouTube channel:

Resistance: A Star Trek Fan Production

Vance Major has been having some fun with short Star Trek Fan Productions.  In Resistance: A Star Trek Fan Production, we have a crew that pulls out an old Constitution Class Starship out of mothballs, the U.S.S. Constar, to escape the Wolf 359 incident.  It is a nice short and it leads to a progression between Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation Series, with the continuation of characters in other Star Trek Fan Productions, with Captain Erick Minard, being a descendant of Engineer Erick Minard or he really ages well.  The short is only a few minutes long so you can take a bit of time out of your day and enjoy Resistance: A Star Trek Fan Production through Vance Major’s YouTube channel filmed at Starbase Studios:

LR Photography’s Recording of SoonerCon 2017

Luis Reyes of LR Photography was at SoonerCon 2017 with us as well.  Here is his video that he provided for everyone to see on ComicPop Library’s  Facebook page.  Again it features Vance Major, Larry Fleming, Michael Sylvester, and myself at the panel for Storm Front Pt 1: a Star Trek Fan Film Production.  Luis’ recording picks up as we set down for the panel right after viewing the film. Thank you to eveyone for their kind support and especially to Luis and LR Photography for being there – Richard:

Jonation’s Room Live Video from SoonerCon 2017 “Storm Front” Panel

Jonathon had his phone ready for when we did the panel at SoonerCon 2017 for the showing of Storm Front Pt. 1: a Star Trek Fan Film Production.  He was kind enough to go live on Facebook with the feed and now here is the recording for you to watch. on his Jonathon’s Room Facebook Page  The first part is the showing of Storm Front Pt 1 and then about 13 minutes in the panel starts.  We had a great time catching up with friends and visiting with all who came.  So here’s the video featuring Vance Major, Larry Fleming, Michael Sylvester, and myself.  Again many thanks to Jonathon’s Room for provided the video – Richard:

ComicPop & Melbourne Coming to SoonerCon 2017

On June 24, Vance Major has graciously asked me to join in on a screening of Storm Front Part 1 and a Q&A panel afterwards at the 2017 SoonerCon in Oklahoma City.  On the panel will be Vance Major – the Producer, Michael Sylvester – Captain Cooper of the Melbourne, John Snow – Lt. Commander Fador of the Melbourne, Larry Fleming – Lt. Doral of the Melbourne, and me Richard Brookman – Captain Stapleton of the Carson.

If you are attending be sure to come to the panel, slated for 10:00 am and meet everyone.  The ComicPop Crew will also include Jonathon Rodriguez, Logan Brookman, and Luis Reyes that will be in attendance in the audience.  If you can’t be there and want to help support them through the groups GoFundMe campaign:  ShadowStorm Studios Balance of Terror GoFundMe


Ep 71 ComicPop Visits with ComicPop Library

PlayEp 71 ComicPop Visits with ComicPop Library

Vance Major, the producer of Stormfront Pt 1 – A Star Trek Fan Film Production, turns the table on ComicPop Library.  Vance takes control of the recorder and interviews Jonathon and Richard about their experience as cameos as Star Fleet Officers in his production.  Logan was in another part of the studio doing some work so we missed out on his thoughts.

Music Clips:

  1. “Movin’ Right Along”, Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie SoundTrack, Atlantic Records, 1979.


Vance Major’s Facebook Page

Promenade Facebook Page

ShadowStorm Studios’ YouTube Channel

ShadowStorm Studios’ Facebook Page

Craig Greenberg’s Website

Craig Greenberg Facebook Page

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

“Stormfront” a Star Trek Fan Film Production

If you remember the last part of 2016 and into the first part of 2017 we have been posting “Visits” with the cast and crew of the Melbourne Star Trek Fan Film Production.  The first part of their story is available now on ShadowStorm Studios YouTube channel and it has been officially named Stormfront a Star Trek Fan Film Production.  This was a labor of love that our friends Vance Major and Jeremy Minard have been planning and working on for the past couple of years and they finally get to see their “child”, the U.S.S. Melbourne, off to the big wide World.  Part of the fun for ComicPop Library was doing the “Visits” with everyone, but Vance and Jeremy had a surprise for us.  They allowed the ComicPop Crew to have a cameo scene in the production.  We are the crew of the U.S.S. Carson.  Logan is the security officer that gets shot, Jonathon is the communications officer that gets stabbed, and I (Richard) am the Captain of the Ship – Captain Stapleton.  Who would have known it would be so much fun to die.  We had a great time during the shoot and visiting with everyone and the camaraderie that everyone shared.  Without further a due here is Stormfront a Star Trek Fan Film Production through ShadowStorm Studios, have fun – Richard: