Only Yesterday Trailer


Studio Ghibli’s next release to the North American market will be Only Yesterday.  The movie has that Ghibli look and looks to be more of a “slice of life” film.  The main voice actors are Daisy Ridley (a Star Wars Alum) and Dev Patel.  Thanks to Movieclips Trailers YouTube channel for the trailer:

When Marnie Was There Trailer


The next Studio Ghibli animated film to be released in the U.S. is When Marnie Was There.  It is scheduled to open on May 22.  Studio Ghibli is always associated with fine work and this looks to be the same.  Just the song that plays with the trailer evokes a specific mood.  Check out the trailer through the “Catsuka” channel on YouTube:

Miyazaki to Retire

Koju Hoshino, President of Studio Ghibli, announced at the Venice Film Festival that Hayao Miyazaki will be retiring.  Miyazaki’s latest animated film The Wind Rises will be his last film.  Other films that everyone knows him by are Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo, and many others that are to numerous to list.  His films have become classics in the animated world and Miyazaki is considered a Master and Champion of the animated film.

Glimpse Inside Ghibli Museum With Matsutoya’s Music Video

EMI Records is currently streaming a part of Yumi Matsutoya’s music video for the theme song for the upcoming, Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s, The Wind Rises flim.  The song is entitled Hikoki Gumo (Airplane Cloud).  What makes the music video so unique is because part of it is filmed in the Ghibli Museum, which does not allow photos or videos to be taken in the museum.  So thank you to the Ghibli Museum and EMI Records for allowing this rare look inside the museum walls.

D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival

This year during the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. the Smithsonian Institution’s Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery will be hosting a Ghibli film marathon.  The event will be held April 15 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and is a free event.  If you happen to be in the area or your library is in the area let your patrons know about the marathon.  Movies that will be shown are: Ponyo; Porco Rosso; Princess Mononoke; and Spirited Away.


Come into our Secret World

This is one for the whole family.  Disney is releasing The Secret World of Arrietty.  The anime is based on the novel The Borrowers, by Mary Norton.  When you visit with your patrons remember this will appeal to your Japanese Anime fans since it originates from Studio Ghibli in Japan.  Thanks to YahooMovies for the following trailer.

Visit a Secret World

Disney is scheduled to release The Secret World of Arrietty February 17.  The anime movie is from Studio Ghibli, which Disney has had a strong relationship through the years.  The movie is based on the children’s book The Borrowers by Mary Norton.  This is one that libraries will want to pick up for it’s collection when it becomes available.  Thanks to ICv2 and YouTube for the trailer below.

Diana Wynne Jones Passes Away

Diana Wynne Jones passed away this last Saturday.  Fans of hers will recognize her immediately.  However, this post is for the Anime fans that might not realize they know her.  Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli adapted Jones’ Howl’s Moving Castle, which was an Oscar nominated movie in 2004.  Our condolences go out to her family and friends.