Ep. 4 Tips & Tricks: Shelving

When shelving graphic novels we use the “One-Stop-Shopping” method.  We catalog our graphic novels just like all of my library’s material.  However, when we shelf the graphic novels/manga we use the title or character on the spine label and in the location setting in our cataloging system.  We also set aside a specific section for our graphic novels/manga, this allows people to know right where to go for graphic novels/manga.  It’s just like when libraries have separated out Science Fiction or Mysteries into their own section within the library.  We use “GN” (Graphic Novel) and “GN-NF” (Graphic Novel Non-Fiction) as the main shelving location for the graphic novel/manga section.

Using Batman and Detective Comics titles as our examples, when we label these two titles, both titles can be found under the location of Batman.  If you use the writer on the spine for the location the Batman titles would be sprinkled throughout the graphic novel section.  Our patrons like the fact that they can go straight to the graphic novel section of the library, look under Batman and find all of the Batman titles we currently have available in one spot on the shelf (GN, Batman, instead of GN, O’Neal).  With our Non-Fiction titles we do use the authors last name, because it is usually only one book we are dealing with not a series.

This is just how we shelf our graphic novels/manga.  There is no right or wrong way.  This is just an example of how shelving can be simplified.