Soul Eater Not! Complete Series

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For all you Soul Eater fans….FUNimation has released the complete series of it’s title Soul Eater Not!  Check out the trailer from FUNimation’s YouTube channel:

AMV of the Week

This weeks AMV is from YouTuber nuttyacornsquirrel.  This individual has taken some flack over this AMV, however the main point of doing AMV’s is to have fun and put a smile on someone’s face.  Even if it is just one person, that is one person that you have given a fun experience for.  The song he uses is “Let it Rock” performed by Kevin Rudolf, which was edited to scenes from Soul Eater.  It’s a catchy song to a fun video.  You can see the video on YouTube under the tag “Soul eater let it rock” or check it out below: