Shane Henry’s music might be familiar to some. His music has been heard on many television networks including: NBC; CBS; Discovery Channel; Hallmark Channel; and E! Today Shane is sharing with our listeners his latest single “Save Me”. From the very beginning of “Save Me” you have that R&B/Rock sound. But then the more you listen and catch Shane’s voice which draws out the lyrics my brain click and it went to Southern Rock. With that electric guitar front and center, the driving bass beat and then the harmonica comes in on the bridges. It’s a really nice sound that takes from each style, but doesn’t over power each other. Here is Shane Henry’s “Save Me”, through SoundCloud, for you to enjoy to prepare for his upcoming album Light in the Dark releasing on April 28 – Richard:
“Christmas Time Again” with Our Friends
It’s that time of year again when we get friends sending ComicPop Library their Christmas wishes through song. Our first Christmas wishes come from Maggie McClure and Shane Henry with their single “Christmastime Again”. This is a delightful song that we enjoyed here at ComicPop and think our listeners and everyone else will as well. So let the season begin with Maggie McClure and Shane Henry with “Christmastime Again” through SoundCloud and be sure to look for their music in you choice of digital vendors – Richard: