Student Suspended for Poem

A 17 year old senior of the Life Learning Academy charter school, in San Francisco, expresses herself through poetry.  A teacher found her private notebook of poems and read some entries.  One caught the teachers attention and promoted the teacher to turn it in to the administration.  The poem showed empathy for the shooter in Connecticut shooting.  Because of this poem the student has been suspended from her school.  Here is the excerpt of the poem that caused this suspension:

They wanna hold me back
I run but still they attack
My innocence, I won’t get back
I used to smile
They took my kindness for weakness
The silence the world will never get
I understand the killing in Connecticut
I know why he pulled the trigger
The government is a shame
Society never wants to take the blame
Society puts these thoughts in our head
Misery loves company
If I can’t be loved no one can.

This case falls under the freedom of speech and that people can express themselves, even though the content might be sensitive.  This can also send a message to kids that if they go to officials and share their feelings on their high school experiences they will be scarred that they will be suspended rather than helped.  Is this the message we want to send?  The article on CBLDF’s site ends appropriately:

As psychiatrist Ronald Pies pointed out in a blog post at PsychCentral, “[w]e would be fortunate, as a society, if more lonely and alienated young people expressed their feelings in poetry, and fewer, through acts of violence.”

You can click on the link below for the full article on Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s website:

Mass Effect Feature in Select Theaters

AnimeNews Network has reported that the upcoming Mass Effect: Paragon Lost feature will be shown in very limited theaters. The following cities will have the feature.  If you live in the area check and see if it is showing close to you.  Links are provided below to purchase tickets.  The Blu-ray and DVD will be released December 28.

L’Arc-en-Ciel Concert Viewing

If you live in the area of one of these 8 cities, here is your chance to view a concert of L’Arc-en-Ciel’s.  Live Viewing Japan is sponsoring a showing of L’Arc-en-Ciel’s 20th Anniversary Concert Film performance.  Viewings will be in: Baltimore; Chicago; Houston; Los Angeles; Orange, CA; New York, 2 locations; San Francisco; and Seattle on November 29.  Tickets for the event are available on-line at   This link is to the scheduled theaters that will be having the viewing.  From there you “click” on the theaters name and it will forward you to a ticket purchasing page.  Thanks to Ellie Tsutsumi, of Day O Productions for the heads up.  For more information click the link below.

One Night only…Hatsune Miku

If you happen to live in the Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Orange, San Francisco, or Seattle areas and happen to like J-Pop you will want to check around at your local concert venues.  The Vocaloid Hatsune Miku on November 10 will be broadcasting a concert to these 9 cities.  This is a one night event only, so check your area to find out where the concert will be broadcast and join in on this music event.

Fullmetal to Have Limited U.S. Release

Eleven Arts has stated that Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos will be showing in around 100 theaters this winter.  Your patrons will want to contact their local movie houses to see if they are going to be one of the lucky few theaters that will be showing this movie.  These releases usually happen in larger cities like New York, Denver, or San Francisco.