Star Trek: Attack Wing Grows


WizKids has plans in place for new waves of Star Trek: Attack Wing in 2016.  Wave 23 will be available in February and Wave 24 in March.  Pictured above is the U.S.S. Montgolfier, which is part of wave 23 along with I.K.S. Amar and I.R.W. Jazkal.  Then wave 24 will have Assimilated Vessel 77139, I.K.S. Klothos, and I.R.W. Devoras.  Each wave will have three ships and will be at a $14.99 price point for each ship.  So enjoy the new pieces whether you just collect the miniatures for display or play.  To see images of the other five ships follow the link to ICv2 article, which has a picture gallery of them:

Gaming Diorama at GenCon


I just had to share this diorama from the 2015 GenCon, that ICv2 has on their site.  This diorama was built I believe by the company Pulposaurus Entertainment and not a gamer to help gather interest in their KickStarter for the game Conan: Rise of Monsters game they want to produce and launch.  This is just to cool looking!  If they would sell the diorama with the game I think several gamers would be interested.  If you want to check it out jump on over for more information –

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE Video Game Trailer

This is one that all the Role Playing Gamers would like.  Ragnarok Odyssey ACE comes out tomorrow and it would be one to consider for your video game collections.  The formats it will be available for are PS3 or Vita.  Thanks to “gamestop” on YouTube for the following trailer:

New Star Wars RPG Supplementary

Fantasy Flight Games has announce that it’s supplementary to the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire role playing game, will be delayed until the third quarter of this year.  So all the gamers that were eagerly waiting and wondering what was up, there you go.  Just be a little patient and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Beyond the Rim will be available at retail for you to pick up for your collection.

Atelier Ayesha Video Game Trailer

Tecmo KOEI Games began streaming the trailer for Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk on their YouTube channel.  Atelier is an RPG game that is available for the PlayStation 3.  So if you are interested in these types of games you might want to consider adding it to your collection.  Thanks to “MyKOEITV” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Pathfinder News

Paizo Publishing is working on two items for it’s Pathfinder Game.  So here you go gamers and libraries that support gaming.  Paizo is currently partnering with Mike Selinker and the design team at Lone Shark Games to create a deck building game, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.  If plans progress the first set will be based on the Rise of the Runelords and it will have over 400 cards.  Paizo then plans to release another set of 110 cards on a bi-monthly schedule.  There is no release date set for the card game yet.  The second piece of news related to Pathfinder is that in April of 2013, Paizo plans to release Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign.  It will be a 256 full color hard cover book and has a suggested retail price of $39.99.

Upcoming Pathfinder Releases


Paizo Publishing has released titles of forth coming books for their Pathfinder Role-Playing Game.  So if your library purchases gaming books for your patrons you will want to put them on your “to order list”.  The first few books are game play books: Shatter Star Adventure Path Pawn Collection and Pathfinder Flip-Mat Battlefield.  The other three books are more reference/game play books type books: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Fey Revisited; Patherfinder Player Companion: Kobolds of Golarion; and Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Shackled Hut.


Phantasy Star Online 2 Trailer

Phantasy Star Online 2 will be one game that you will want to tell your library patrons about.  It is a Free-To-Play multiplayer role playing game, that Sega has announced will be opening a server in the west to allow game play (actual opening date has yet to be determined).  This news you will want to let your gamer know about so they can play at their homes, but also to your gaming patrons that don’t have a computer at home you can inform them that they can play on the library’s computers to spotlight your computer labs.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network for the following trailer:

Marvel RPG Play

For libraries that have a collection of roleplaying books here are three more you will want to add to your collection.  Margaret Weis’ Productions who brings us Marvel Heroic Roleplaying will be releasing this summer three new supplements.  The three titles are: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – 50 States Initiative; Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – Young Avengers/Runaways; and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War – X-Men.  Each supplement will be a 128 page book with an MSRP of $19.99.

RPG Map in Comic Book

In Dynamite Entertainment’s first issue of Pathfinder there will be an RPG map for gamers that are playing the Pathfinder Role Playing Game.  Your library might not be interested in purchasing this one issue, unless it has a gaming club.  However, you will want to tell your gamers that are into RPG’s they might want to pick this up for the map insert.