Ep 25 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with The Mix

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Ep 25 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with The Mix

This time around April, Luis, Logan, and Richard review and discuss a grouping of singles from the German band The Mix.  Thanks to the MuseBox and Katie Trimble for sending us The Mix’ music, we appreciate everything.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

1) Three singles from the German band The Mix.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “Alles Egal MA, The Mix, 2014

2) “Anders sein MA, The Mix, 2014.

3) “DU bist MA, The Mix, 2014.


http://www.the-mix-band.de/ – The Mix’ Website.

www.facebook.com/themixNE – FaceBook page The Mix is associated with.

http://themusebox.net/ – The Muse Box’s Website.

https://www.facebook.com/musebox?ref=br_tf – The Muse Box’s Facebook Page.

http://www.theslants.com/ – The Slants’ Website

https://www.facebook.com/theslants – The Slant’s Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?ref=ts&fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page.

Ghost Loft Single is “Overflow”ing

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Ghost Loft’s latest if the single “Overflow”.  With this single they take the motion of water and place it within the song.  “Overflow” had a relaxing and rhythmic flow to it.  Check it out through SoundCloud you will enjoy it – Richard:

“25” and Counting with Elaine Romanelli

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This single, “25”, has just the right amount of light heartedness and seriousness that it is a winner in my books.  Elaine Romanelli gives us a fun song and music video (below) that gives us a journey through our lives, from where we are at to where we will be in the future.  I love the 29th grade (watch the music video and you’ll understand).  I also love that it is a piano focused single.  We don’t get those much anymore.  It goes to show you how much a piano can do just on it’s own.  Great song!, so be sure to watch “25”(… you will like it!) from her YouTube channel – Richard:

Hector Bizerk’s Remix of “Face”


I know it is two Hector Bizerk posts in a short span, but I wanted to separate this remix of Charlotte Brimner’s “Face” single that Hector Bizerk has done.  Why since you already heard Louie rapping?  Because this remix shines the spotlight on Audrey Tait the drummer for Hector Bizerk and her talents.  Take a listen through SoundCloud to see what I’m talking about – Richard:

“Rust Cohle” Hits by Hector Bizerk


More from our Scottish rapper Hector Bizerk and he comes out swinging with “Rust Cohle’.  This just works for me.  It’s one of those times when I can’t explain it and people will disagree.  Still “Rust Cohle” just works for me.  Check it out through SoundCloud – Richard:

“The Unheard” can be Heard here from Fabryka


Fabryka is an Italian Pop band and the are making their inroads into the U.S. market with their single “The Unheard”.  As everyone knows I like songs that have a heavy beat that makes, at the very least, my head bob when I listen to a song.  Well, Fabryka delivers for me.  Check out their music video for “The Unheard” through their YouTube channel – Richard:

“I Want It” from Olivver The Kid


Olivver the Kid comes to us by way of his former band The Neighbourhood.  This is Bryan Sammis’ single, “I Want It’, released through the label Taste and Tone.  For the first sound after striking out on his own Sammis has a single that is a bit rock and a bit electronic.  He definitely can hit those higher notes, of the chorus, but I like him down in a more comfortable range which we get to hear while he is singing the verse.  This one will get people excited and ready to hear more.  Check out “I Want It’ through SoundCloud – Richard:

Lady Low’s “Rainy Day”

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“Rainy Day” is the current release from Lady Low, through the website Buzzbands L.A.  Lady Low has a nice sound that kind of melds with your senses to me.  It’s not flashy, just nice and harmonious.  They sing well together without one person trying to over power the other in the singles I’ve listened to.  Have a listen to “Rainy Day” here through SoundCloud – Richard:

Ep 5 ComicPop Licensed to Read Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters

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Ep 5 ComicPop Licensed to Read Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters by D.C. and C. Michael McGannon

In this episode Logan, Luis, April, and Richard review and discuss D.C. and C. Michael McGannon’s young adult paranormal team fantasy, Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

1) Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters: The Varcolac’s Diary, D.C. and C. Michael McGannon, Wyvern’s Peak Publishing & Entertainment, LLC, 2012.  ISBN: 978-0985408824, $12.99.

Music clips used this episode:

1) “Monsters”, Common Ground, 2005, Musicalley.com.


http://monsterhunters-thebook.com/ – Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters Website

https://www.facebook.com/NewGenerationFirstborn – New Generation Firstborn Facebook page

http://www.musicalley.com/ – Music Alley’s Website

http://www.musicalley.com/music/listeners/artistdetails.php?pageNum_MusicList=2&totalRows_MusicList=20&BandHash=e11bdf7c7e957e74f5556d38048e1773 – “Monsters”, Common Ground, 2005, Musicalley.com.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page