Holy Sheboygan! is in the “Belly of the Beast”

city bird publicityholy

Holy Sheboygan! is sharing their music video for “Belly of the Beast”, with our listeners.  I love the R&B sound that the group has and can see more coming from them.  About two minutes into the single there is a shift in rhythm that will throw some people, but then it goes right back into the original beat.  With the music video it will be mixed in who will enjoy it or won’t.  With everything spinning around, for some it will be difficult to watch if they have any type of motion sickness.  Other wise it won’t be a problem.  Have fun with “Belly of the Beast” that Holy Sheboygan! is sharing with us through their Vimeo account – Richard:

Holy Sheboygan! – Belly of the Beast from Tyler Keff Beasley on Vimeo.

Ep 45 ComicPop Visits with Kevon Ward of Syfy’s Face Off Season 9 and Heart and Fire Film Productions

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Ep 45 ComicPop Visits with Kevon Ward of Syfy’s Face Off Season 9 and Heart and Fire Film Productions

The ComicPop Crew has the distinct pleasure of visiting with Kevon Ward.  We discuss Kevon’s experience as a contestant on Syfy’s Face Off Season 9 and then dive into the projects he has developed or is working on for Heart and Fire Film Productions.

Music clips used in this episode:

1) “Special Effects”, Freezepop, YouTube, 2010.


http://www.syfy.com/faceoff – Syfy’s Face Off Website

https://www.facebook.com/FaceOffSyfy/?fref=ts – Syfy’s Face Off Facebook Page

www.facebook.com/boredashellseries – Board as Hell Webseries Facebook Page

http://www.hanscrippletonmovie.com/ – Hans Crippleton Website

https://www.facebook.com/hanscrippletonmovie – Hans Crippleton Facebook Page

http://www.heartandfireproductions.com/ – Heart and Fire Film Productions Website

https://www.facebook.com/HeartAndFireProductions/ – Heart and Fire Film Productions Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page




Lady Low Wants Just “You and I”


Lady Low is giving the listeners of ComicPop Library another great music video for their single “You & I”.  I love Lady Low’s sound and we definitely want everyone to enjoy their harmony that they have in this, what I would call, Love Ballad.  The music video harkens back to “High School” days with being in black and white and with the letterman’s jacket.  Everyone enjoy Lady Low’s music video for “You & I” and be sure to look them up on iTunes to download their songs – Richard:

Ep 44 ComicPop Visits with Susanne Lambdin, Author of the Dead Hearts Series Pt 2


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Ep 44 ComicPop Visits with Susanne Lambdin, Author of the Dead Hearts Series Pt 2

Lenny, Jonathon, and Richard continue their visit with Susanne Lambdin, author of the Supernatural/Adventure/Thriller series Dead Hearts.  Susanne keeps us in line as we keep visiting about the Dead Heart series (without giving to much away) and about the business of being an author and the steps it takes to be published.  Join in on the fun by listening to our visit. Be sure to pick up the Defiant Heats, fourth in the Dead Hearts series.

Music clips used this episode:

1) “The Zombie Song”, How It Should Have Ended (HISHE), YouTube, 22012.


http://www.deadheartsnovel.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Dead Hearts Website

http://www.susannelambdin.com/ – Susanne Lambdin’s Website

https://www.facebook.com/susanne.lambdin – Susanne Lambdin’s Facebook Page

http://wyvernspeak.com/ – Wyverns Peak Publishing Website

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Rhonda Rees, Publicist of the Year Telling Authors, “Check Your Books”

Rhonda Rees Award

Our good friend Rhonda Rees is starting a campaign for authors to “Check Your Books” for the month of April.  Rhonda would like for this campaign to grow and happen every year, which this is her first step in doing.  As Rhonda stated in our visit with her, authors need to check their titles to make sure that they are not being pirated online.  This is not an issue that is regulated just to large companies it effects smaller presses and authors that they might not be aware of.  If authors would set aside the month of April to at least do this once a year so they can protect themselves.  Newswire has published Rhonda’s latest piece about online book piracy, so make the jump to read her article and all of our friends that are authors or aspiring authors take notice and help Rhonda spread the word.  Also a big thank you for Rhonda’s shout out to ComicPop Library in her links.


JOME’s Premiere Single “Brushstroke”


JOME is sharing with the ComicPop listeners the premiere of “Brushstroke”.  The drums that the piece utilizes give the single a little bit of a tribal feel, which I enjoy.  When the chorus hits it brings up the songs tempo and gives a nice contrasting element between the verse and chorus.  To me this is an anthem song for people that don’t want to be forgotten and to change that precept and not be forgotten is to change the color you paint your would with or even the “Brushstroke”.  Thanks to JOME for sharing “Brushstroke” through SoundCloud – Richard:

Ep 20 ComicPop…corn Movies: Jupiter Ascending


Ep 20 ComicPop…corn Movies: Jupiter Ascending

The ComicPop Crew joins, a genetically engineered hunter, Caine, to help him protect the Queen Mother, Jupiter, from her children who want to gain control of her space dynasty.  Join us as we look at the feature film Jupiter Ascending.

For another fun time listen above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com, or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know by e-mailing us at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

Items Reviewed:

1) Jupiter Ascending, Lana Wachowski – director, Andy Wachowski – director, Warner Home Video, 2015.  ASIN: B00K2CHZ2W, $9.98.

Music Drops Used:

1) “Train of Thought”, Andrew Lubman.


ttp://thewileyone.com/ – The Wiley Ones’ Website

https://www.facebook.com/thewileyone – The Wiley Ones’ Facebook Page

http://www.andrewlubman.com/Welcome.html – Andrew Lubman’s WebPage.

https://www.facebook.com/AllYouNeedIsLub?fref=ts – Andrew Lubman’s FaceBook Page.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/ComicPop-Library/135675669828474?fref=ts – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Raphael Di Raddo wants to introduce You to “Future Hits”

Future Hits Cover_WvmCiT

Raphael Di Raddo is giving everyone a glimpse in some up and coming artists in his compilation album Future Hits, Vol. 1.  Raphael has already shared with ComicPop two of the artists on this album with our listeners: Ryan Stevenson and Young Avz.  The singles of these two artists (“Hey Baby” and “This Love” respectfully) will be on the Future Hits, Vol. 1 album plus 12 other artists.  The album is being distributed by Believe Digital and will be available for download April 15.  The project is to gather upbeat songs for everyone to get into and as a reminded Ryan Stevenson and Young Avz’ music videos are below to give you a taste of what to expect from the album.  I you want to pre-order the album you can follow this iTunes link https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/future-hits-vol.-1/id1090979215?l=fr  or wait until April 15 and it will be ready to purchase.  Check out “Hey Baby” and “This Love” through each artists YouTube channel and thanks to Raphael Di Raddo for the update – Richard:

Lexi wants You to “Say it Like You Mean It”


Lexi Baker is sharing with the ComicPop listeners her single “Say it Like You Mean It”.  This is one that has Electronic/Pop  written all over it.  The rhythm is catchy and the music is loud.  That doesn’t mean you can’t hear Lexi sing.  They have her mixed in with the instruments really well that she is not overpowered by them.  Her voice comes through nice and clear.  A great way to start the week so enjoy Lexi Baker’s “Say it Like You Mean it” (Headphone Surround Mix) through SoundCloud – Richard:

Rhonda Rees Shares Piracy Story


ComicPop Library featured Rhonda Rees’ story about her experiences with book piracy in the computer age with her book Profit and Prosper with Public Relations.  IP Watchdog has picked it up and is featuring her story on their website.  If you want to read more about Rhonda’s experiences from what we talked about check it out and you can leave comments that Rhonda is more than happy to respond to.  Below is the link to the story.  Rhonda is a good friend of ComicPop’s and we want to help her spread the word about this often overlooked topic – Richard:
