Rhonda Rees, Publicist of the Year Telling Authors, “Check Your Books”

Rhonda Rees Award

Our good friend Rhonda Rees is starting a campaign for authors to “Check Your Books” for the month of April.  Rhonda would like for this campaign to grow and happen every year, which this is her first step in doing.  As Rhonda stated in our visit with her, authors need to check their titles to make sure that they are not being pirated online.  This is not an issue that is regulated just to large companies it effects smaller presses and authors that they might not be aware of.  If authors would set aside the month of April to at least do this once a year so they can protect themselves.  Newswire has published Rhonda’s latest piece about online book piracy, so make the jump to read her article and all of our friends that are authors or aspiring authors take notice and help Rhonda spread the word.  Also a big thank you for Rhonda’s shout out to ComicPop Library in her links.
