Extended Rebels Trailer

star wars rebels4

Don’t have Disney XD personally, but man Star Wars Rebels looks good.  I’ll have to keep up some other way. Thanks to the “Star Wars” channel on YouTube for this extended trailer. We get to see Obi Wan!

AMV of the Week

This weeks video comes to us from YouTuber StarWarsNerd456.  Once you get past the opening he/she took the song “We Will Rock You” performed by Queen and edited it together with Star Wars The Clone Wars episode “Landing at Point Rain”.  The sequencing of the lyrics and the characters fit together great….Anakin (Boy), Obi-Wan (Young Man) and Ki-Adi-Mundi (Old Man).  If you wish to see the AMV you can find it on YouTube under the tag “Landing at Point Rain/We Will Rock You” or check it out below.