Friday Ricky Dred’s Music Video for “After Hours”

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Friday Ricky Dred is giving the listeners of ComicPop Library a look at his latest music video for the single “After Hours”.  “After Hours” comes from Dred’s third album Nocturnal and gives listeners and viewers a glimpse and feel of what some individuals might call normal everyday life and as the lyrics say “stay trapped in the game”.  Thanks to Friday Ricky Dred for sharing the music video for “After Hours” through his YouTube channel – Richard:

Friday is turning out to be “Cold” with His Single


Friday is sharing with the ComicPop listeners his single “Cold” from his upcoming album Nocturnal.  Friday, otherwise known as Ricky Dred, uses a fast rhythm in “Cold” .  The rhythm is a little repetitive, but it is saved by being catchy and his ability to Rap really well at a fast pace.  Some performers will lose the clearness of their voice when rapping fast, however Friday is at ease with the faster rhythm.  Take a listen to “Cold” through SoundCloud and if you enjoy it remember to start keeping an eye out for his upcoming Nocturnal album – Richard: