Nicktoons has Digital World


Nicktoons Network has announced that it will be debuting the second season for Digimon Fusion on March 8.  So all you wanting to catch a ride to the DigiWorld take heed.

Monsuno Entering the Anime and Trading Card Arena

Nicktoons will be debuting Monsuno on February 23.  So tell you anime and gaming fans in the library to check their local listings for the time.  If you remember the reason gamers will be interested is because it will be supported by a CCG that Topps Cards will be distributing so the gamers will want to check out their local card show and the cards will more than likely be in department stores as well.


Nick TV gets GT

AnimeNews Network is reporting that Nicktoons TV will begin airing DargonBall GT January 16 at 7:00 p.m. EST.  Thanks to them and YouTuber AniNationReborn for the promotional clip below.

New Last Airbender has released a trailer for The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra.  This will be a new animated series, not a sequel to the live action movie.  With this title, the animated series is where it’s at.  The first story was very well done and I am willing to bet this second story will be well done as well.

Avatar: The Last Airbender
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