Shownotes Episode 21: And Another Thing


1. John Carpenter’s The Thing, directed by John Carpenter, starring Kurt Russel, Blu-Ray, Universal Studios, 2008.  ASIN: B001CW7ZWG, $14.98.

2. The Thing, directed by Matthiji van Heijiningen Jr., starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Blu-Ray/DVD, Universal Studios, 2012.  ASIN: B0067QPVD2, $34.98.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.

Other things mention were: Star Wars; Alien; Escape from New York; Escape from L.A.; AVP; Predator; Hellraiser; Terminator 2; Terminator T3; Archer; Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination; Survivors; Nordguard: Across Thin Ice; Jeffrey Eddy, President; SofaWolf Press, Inc.; Erin Hunter; 501st; 70th Explorers Garrison; Exploration Place

Episode 21 of ComicPop Library: “And Another Thing”

Part 2 of The Thing review and discussion.  Join us this episode as we look at 1982’s John Carpenter’s The Thing, starring Kurt Russell and directed by John Carpenter, and 2011’s The Thing, starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and directed by Matthiji van Heijiningen Jr.  We also have E-mails!  One from Charlene, about the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination Exhibit and then a really cool one from Jeffrey Eddy, President of SofaWolf Press, Inc.

PlayEpisode 21 ComicPop Library: And Another Thing

Shownotes for Episode 20: One Little Thing


1. Who Goes There, John W. Campbell, 2009, Rocket Ride Books.  ISBN: 978-0982332207, $15.95.

2. The Thing From Another World, Director Christian Nyby, 2003, Turner Home Entertainment.  ASIN: B0009NHC0, between $6.00 – $14.00.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”.

Other things mentioned were: Larry Niven; William Gibson; Robert Heinlein; Jules Verne; Leonardo da Vinci; James Arness; Jo; Wendy; Friends of Kansas Libraries; Kansas Library Conference; John Campbell Jr.; Kim Jong-il; Matt Dillion; Topeka; Korea; iPad; Firefox; Explorer; 501st; Boogie Man; World War I; Thought Experiment; “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”; Wright Brothers; Ebay; Classic Science Fiction; Classic Horror; Being Human; Day the Earth Stood Still; Protector; Stranger In a Strange Land; Gulliver’s Travels; Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Gunsmoke; Planet of the Apes; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Sly Cooper; Neromancer; Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests; and Father of Modern Science Fiction.

Episode 10, Neuromancer review:

Episode 15, Protector review:

Episode 16.5, Kansas Library Conference Interviews:


Millennium Falcon Experience


When you go to Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit a little extra money to go on the Millennium Falcon experience.  This is a life size mock-up of the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon.  Video plays and you get to experience a ride through space with C-3PO as your guide.  It is similar to an IMAX experience.  The cockpit does not move, but the way the film is shot it makes you feel like you are moving.  This piece of the Star Wars exhibit is an extra $3.00 per person, but it is well worth it.  Pictured above are Matt, Logan and the last picture is April and Richard.

Episode 17.5 of ComicPop Library: Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison Visit



Richard and Matt are at Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.  During our visit we had the pleasure of visiting with three members of the costuming group Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison: Kerry Ellison (Jango Fett); Jenny Angel (Zam Wessel); and Phil Harley (Tusken Raider).

PlayEpisode 17.5: Star Wars 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison Visit

Exploration Place Trip

Matt and I just got back from the Media Day and Opening Day of Exploration Place’s “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit.  We had a great time.  We have several pictures that will be uploaded over the next several days, if not weeks and some special podcasts over the exhibit and the regional 501st, 70th Explorers Garrison.

We start the pictures with the one above which is of course the droids and Princess Leia’s costume from Star Wars: A New Hope.