Shownotes Ep. 31 I Love You, I’m Sorry – ComicPop Library


1. Rock of Ages, Adam Shankman, Warner Bros., 2012.  ASIN: B005LAIHR2, $28.98.

2. Sigh No More, Mumford & Sons, Glass Note, 2010.  ASIN: B0032Y8XH8, $8.99. – Mumford & Sons Official Website – Mumford & Sons Facebook Page – ComicPop Library Facebook Page – Leavenworth Public Library Teen Scene Blog Page – Leavenworth Public Library Teen Scene Facebook Page

Other things mentioned: Glee; Cats; “Pour Some Sugar On Me”; “Every Rose Has It’s Thorns”; Tom Cruise; Russell Brand; Alec Baldwin; “Can’t Fight This Feeling”; Cocktails; Footloose; Tipper Gore; Styx; “Come Sail Away”; Sasame Street on Ice; Journey; Queen; “Bohemian Rhapsody”; “We Built This City”; “We’re Not Going To Take It”; Reo Speed Wagon; Poison; Bon Jovi; “Dead of Alive”; “Sister Christian”; Night Ranger; “Whip It”; Clint Eastwood; Every Which Way But Loose: Every Which Way We Can; BJ & the Bear; New Kids on the Block; Beatles; Brett Michaels; Howard the Duck; Battlefield Earth; Huffington Post; IMDB: Rotten Tomatoes; Los Angeles Times; Foreigner; Twisted Sister; “I Want to Know What Love Is”; Hairspray; Rocky Horror Picture Show; “Time Warp”; Batman; Guitar Hero; Leavenworth Public Library Teen Scene; “Winter Winds”; “Little Lion Boy”; “Roll Away”; Folk Rock; London; England; Rockabilly; Babel; Aria Award; Grammy Awards; Brit Awards; Best British Album 2012; Border Brakers Award; Best International Success 2011; Best Single; Six60; Philip Philips; Big Bang Theory; Sponge Bob; “Pay Phone”; 2 Live Crew; “Fireman”; Lil’ Wayne; “Lollipop”; “Safety Dance”; Snoop Dog; and Willie Nelson.

Episode 31 of ComicPop Library: I Love You, I’m Sorry

Episode 31 of ComicPop Library: “I Love You, I’m Sorry”

Join the crew as we have fun reviewing and discussing the movie Rock of Ages, directed by Adam Shankman, and Mumford & Sons album Sigh No More.  If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, or requests remember you can contact us at  Thank you all for your support and enjoy the show.


PlayEpisode 31: I Love You, I’m Sorry – ComicPop Library – Mumford & Sons Official Website – Mumford & Sons Facebook Page – ComicPop Library Facebook Page


Shownotes Ep. 30 of ComicPop Library: Why is this Book Backwards?


1) Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, Simon & Schuster, 2012.  ISBN: 978-1451673319, $11.99.

2) Until Death Do Us Part, Vol. 1, Hiroshi Takashige, Double S, Yen Press, 2012.  ISBN: 978-0316213905, $18.99.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”. – Ray Bradbury website. – ComicPop Library Facebook Page

Also mentioned were: Dodge City Public Library; Book of Eli; Edgar Allen Poe; Bible; Danzel Washington; Pretty Little Liars; Neromancer; Uglies; Westerfeld; Nazi, Germany; Book Thief; Time Machine; H.G. Wells; Of Mice and Men; Matrix; Tron; Yen Press; Daemon; Daredevil; Blue Exorcist; X-Men; Alphas; Sherlock Holmes; Princess Leia; Han Solo Hugh Hefner; and Cheerleading.

To contact ComicPop Library send your comments, questions or suggestions to

Ep 1 of ComicPop MiniCast: Ginger and the Ghost

Hello everyone and welcome to a ComicPop MiniCast.  This recording was during Episode 30, but we had to drop it from the show due to time restraints.  Therefore, we are putting it up as a MiniCast.

In this MiniCast the ComicPop Crew received an e-mail from Caitlin Pasko, of the MuseBox.  The MuseBox has been keeping our blog appraised of indy music artists and the product they are producing.  Caitlin asked the Crew what we thought of a particular artist they represent, Ginger and the Ghost.

The ComicPop Crew gives our feedback on Ginger and the Ghost’s “One Type of Dark”.  The intro and outro for the MiniCast features another of Ginger and the Ghost’s songs “Where Wolf”.


PlayEp 1 of ComicPop MiniCast: Ginger and the Ghost – website for the MuseBox – Ginger and the Ghost’s Facebook Page – ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page

Episode 30 of ComicPop Library: Why is This Book Backwards?

In this episode the ComicPop Crew reviews and discusses Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Until Death Do Us Part, Vol. 1 by Hiroshi Takashige with art by Double-S.  So join us for another fun filled episode.

PlayEpisode 30 of ComicPop Library: Why is This Book Backwards? – Ray Bradbury website – ComicPop Library Facebook Page


Epsidoe 29 of ComicPop Library Shownotes

1. Cabin in the Woods, Drew Goddard (Director), Lions Gate, 2012.  ASIN: B008G330oG, $39.99.

2. Rizzle Kicks: Stereo Typical, Island UK, 2011.  ASIN: B005H78RKG, $16.95 – Rizzle Kicks Website – Rizzle Kicks Facebook Page – ComicPop Library Facebook Page – MRI Scans Predict Pop Music Success from Science a GoGo.

Other things mentioned: Battle Pirates; Thor; Hellboy; Willy Wonka; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Resident Evil; Fairly Odd Parents; Brighton; London Olympics 2012; When I was a Youngster; Demolition Man; Miss Cigarette; Neil Diamond; Craklin’ Rosie; Pink; Little Wayne; Lollipop; Fireman; Taylor Swift; Ellen Degeneres; British Hip Hop; Marina and the Diamonds; One Direction; Selina Gomez; Cody Simpson; & MRI Scans Predict Pop Music Success.

Episode 29 of ComicPop Library: It was like having a Cat and Stapling a Dog’s Tail to It

Join the ComicPop Crew as we review and discuss the movie Cabin in the Woods and the debut album Stereo Typical by Rizzle Kicks.  And why would anyone staple a dog’s tail to a cat?  Listen to the show and all will be explained, it’s not as bad as it sounds.


PlayEpisode 29 of ComicPop Library: It was Like having a Cat and Stapling a Dog’s Tail to It – Rizzle Kicks webpage – Like Rizzle Kicks on Facebook – Like ComicPop Library on Facebook

Shownotes for Episode 28 of ComicPop Library: The Food Affected His Brain


1. Big Windup: The Complete Series, FUNimation, 2010.  ASIN:  B003NE8B6U, $29.99.

2. Prelude to Foundation, Isaac Asimov, Bantam Books, 1989.  ISBN: 978-0553278392, $7.99.

3. Podcast Intro and Outro – Andrew Lubman’s, “Train of Thought”. – Isaac Asimov Home Page – ComicPop Library Facebook Page

Also mentioned were: Basball; World Series; Olympics; subbbed; dubbed; bromance; boys love; Gunslinger Girl; Hentalia; Le Chevalier d’Eon; Archer; Resident Evil; Dead Space; Star Wars; Spartacus; Star Trek; Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; 39 Clues; Series of Unfortunate Events; WALL-E; Pretty Little Liars; and Klingon Empire.

To contact ComicPop Library send your comments, questions or suggestions to

Episode 7 of ComicPop Visits about Banned Books with Susan Brown

In this episode the ComicPop Crew visit with Susan Brown, the Marketing Director, of the Lawrence Public Library.  We discuss banned books and the Banned Book Trading Card Contest/Event her library did for Banned Book Week of 2012.


PlayEpisode 7 of ComicPop Visits about Banned Books with Susan Brown – Website for Lawrence Public Library – Webpage to purchase the Lawrence Public Library Banned Book Week Trading Cards – Paisley Riot “Books That You Once Read”

Episode 28 of ComicPop Library: The Food Affected His Brain

Join Richard, Chris, Matt, April and Logan this episode as they review and discuss the anime Big Windup and Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov.


PlayEpisode 28 of ComicPop Library: The Food Affected His Brain – Isaac Asimov Home Page – ComicPop Library Facebook Page

To contact ComicPop Library send your comments, questions or suggestions to