Mass Effect Trailer

This is one anime film libraries will want to put on their radar.  There is no release date scheduled yet, but FUNimation released the trailer for the upcoming Mass Effect: Paragon Lost anime movie trailer.  The story is the prequel to the Mass Effect 3 role-playing game.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTube for the following trailer:

Mass Effect Video

This is for all your Mass Effect fans and video gamers in general.  T.O. Entertainment began streaming the video below in preparation for the release of T.O. Entertainment, Production I.G. and distributor FUNimation Entertainment of Mass Effect: Paragon Lost anime.  There is no set release date yet, but this is libraries will want to consider adding to their animation collection.  Based on BioWare’s popular Mass Effect role playing game, Paragon Lost will be a prequel for the video game Mass Effect 3.  Thanks to T.O. Entertainment and AnimeNews Network for the video below.

Today is Mass Effect Day

Today is the day that Mass Effect 3 hits store shelves.  So if you haven’t picked up your copy yet, hopefully there will still be some copies left at the store.  Thanks to ICv2 and YouTuber “biowaremasseffect” for the following trailer.