Janice’s Latest Music Video for “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark”

Janice is sharing with us again.  This time it is her music video for her single “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark”.  During the lyrics of this song you have Janice’s pure voice singing in a more slower R&B feel.  Then the chorus hits and Janice bangs it out with a much more pop/soul sound that gets the heart jump started.  Loved the back and forth this created in the single.  The music video takes you on that same back and forth journey of contemplating the affair that is happening and then Janice’s character getting upset because she wants more.  Enjoy Janice’s music video for her single “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark” through her YouTube channel – Richard:

Benta Has a “Lover In Dark”


Benta is sharing with the ComicPop listeners his music video for his single “Lover in Dark”.  This from the beginning is an Electronica influenced piece.  The steady beat is close to being over used, but the rest of the piece brings the song together and makes it a great sexy dance tune.  It’s slow dance time, on the dance floor, with your partner.  The music video will take you by surprise if you are not ready for it, I thought maybe my sound wasn’t working, but then about 18 seconds in the music starts.  The video works will in the black & white medium…it gives it an even sexier feel.  Here is Benta’s “Lover in Dark” through his YouTube channel – Richard: