The Hunts News Which We Reviewed in Ep. 38

Great news for the Hunts.  In Episode 38, we reviewed their album, so you can hear our thoughts about this young group of siblings.  The review starts at approximately the 22:00 minutes mark.

PlayEpisode 38: We Done Chomping, ComicPop Library

CHERRYTREE Records officially releases 
“Make This Leap”  nationwide. 
Also available for download on iTunes.
Contact an agent today for dates & pricing!  
For more information on The Hunts, please visit us here. 

Ep. 38: We Done Chomping, ComicPop Library

Episode 38: We Done Chomping, ComicPop Library

This time around the crew reviews and discusses the movie Parker staring Jason Statham and The Hunt’s debut album We Were Young.  As always we have a fun time and give each other grief.  You can listen to the episode below, at, or on our iTunes feed.

Be sure to spread the word about us.  We are continually growing, which we thank all our listeners for, we couldn’t do it without you.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for reviews be sure to e-mail us at and we will features them in the show.

Thanks again for all your support.


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