I, Frankenstein Trailer

Here’s a new look at the Frankenstein story.  This movie is more of what I would call a Horror/Adventure than a straight up Horror movie.  It looks like a fun movie and with the adventure side to it will help with cross over appeal.  Thanks to “Machinima” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Mortal Kombat Legacy II Trailer

Here is a series I didn’t know about until Matt mentioned it at the last recording.  The “Machinima” channel on YouTube has Mortal Kombat: Legacy and Leagcy Season 2 web series up for those that are interested and didn’t know about it before.  Season 2 just finished up and I don’t know if there will be a season 3 or not.  This is one I will have to check out because the production looks really well made.  Check out the trailer here since they have disabled the sharing embedded feature:


Defiance Trailers

SyFy’s new experiment, Defiance.  The television series won’t be able to be purchased until after the season, but the video game is available to purchase for your video game collections.  Both look interesting.  Thanks to “DefianceUniverse” and “machinima” on YouTube for the following trailers, first is the television series and second is the video game:

R.I.P.D. Trailer and I was Wrong

In our Summer Movie podcast I speculated that the R.I.P.D. was a spinoff of the Hellboy Comics.  I humbly come to you and say I was completely wrong.  It is still based on a comic book though.  It is basically a supernatural Men in Black.  Watch the trailer below and see if you don’t agree.  Thanks to ICv2 and “Machinima” on YouTube for the following trailer:

Halo Web Series on YouTube

With Halo 4 coming out, there is a Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn web series to coincide with it.  The series can be found on YouTube on MachinimaPrime Channel.  This web series will appeal to gamers as well as science fiction fans.  I have provide links to the first two parts of the series and the trailer is below:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfJVgXBfSH8&feature=fvwbrel – Part 1 of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K56gSEJ6IGc&feature=relmfu – Part 2 of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

1st Dredd Trailer

Thanks to ICv2 and YouTube Channel Machinima for the following first trailer of the upcoming Dredd movie, set to be released this September: