KickStarter from our Friends at SofaWolf


Our friends at SofaWolf Press have started a KickStarter for an omnibus edition of Ursula Vernon’s 2012 Hugo Award winning Digger.  The omnibus will contain all material from the six print editions plus extra content.  As always there are levels of contributions so you can choose the level that works well with your budget and help SofaWolf Press with this endeavor.  As of this time they have met their goal and have started doing flex goals for contributors.  So click on the link below to help out our friends: – KickStarter Page for SofaWolf Press’ Digger

Attention All Veronica Mars Fans

The fans have spoken.  Warner Bros. that owns the Veronica Mars property made a deal with show creator Rob Thomas that if he could get a $2 Million backing off of KickStarter then a Veronica Mars movie could be made.  The KickStarter was a success and has raised above the $2 Million dollar amount.  Therefore, plans are in the works to start movie production this summer and be ready for airing in 2014.  This shows that with KickStarter fans have another outlet to keep a series alive other than a writing campaign to the studios.