Teaser Trailer for the Rorouni Kenshin Sequel

The first Kenshin movie made it to the North American market I can only believe the sequel will as well.  Once it hits retail be sure to add it to your DVD/Blu-ray collections.  Be sure to check out the teaser trailer below from YouTube:

Rurouni Hits Ground Running

The live action movie of Rurouni Kenshin as of September 1 (last Saturday) has already been seend over 1 million times in Japan.  It has already been licensed in over 60 countries.  If it will get a theatrical run is iffy.  More than likely it will get a limited release, but it will definitely get a Blu-ray release.  A trailer has already been made in English and you can watch it below.


ZIP! Gets Rurouni Trailer

ZIP! a Japanese morning television showed a trailer for the upcoming Rurouni Kenshin live action movie.  This is one movie librarians will want to keep an ear to the ground on because it should eventually make it’s way to North American markets.  Kenshin might be an older manga series, but it is still one of the most loved series and when new readers come into the format this is one of the series that is suggested to them to read and the manga and anime should be on must library shelves.  Thanks to AnimeNews Network and YouTuber MrZoom91 for the trailer below. You will have to set through a little of ZIP! before the trailer starts, which is approximately 45 seconds in: