Ep 57 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mike Schiavo

PlayEp 57 ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt with Mike Schiavo

The ComicPop Crew get the chance to listen to Mike Schiavo’s EP.  Many of you might remember Mike from Season 10, of The Voice where he sang a spur of the moment duet with Adam Levine.  So join us as we discuss Mike Schiavo’s self-titled EP.  Thanks to Kelli Tomashoff, of Black Panda PR, for the continued support.

Join us for another fun episode by listening above, at www.comicpoplibrary.com or wait until later today and it will be up on our iTunes feed.

Remember if you have a novel, graphic novel, movie/television series or an indie band you want us to check out let us know and we will put it in our review rotation list.  Also if you have a question or comment send us an e-mail at admin@comicpoplibrary.com and we will read it during a recording.  Thank you again for everyone that listens and supports us, we are steadily growing thanks to you.  So keep spreading the word about ComicPop Library to everyone you think might enjoy the show.

What we reviewed in this episode:

  1. Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.

Music clips used in this episode:

  1. “Collide”, Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.
  2. “Gold”, Mike Schiavo EP, Mike Schiavo, 2016.


Mike Schiavo’s Website

Mike Schiavo’s Facebook Page

Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters Website

Wyvern’s Peak Publishing Website

Wyvern’s Peak Publishing Facebook Page

The Monster Guys Website

ComicPop Library’s Facebook Page



Trishes Latest Single “Animal”

Trishes is sharing with our listeners again.  This time she is coming to us with an upbeat single that will catch you from the beginning of the single, “Animal”.  “Animal” has a bit of modern feel, with the bass beat, as well as an older feel to it, especially with the “bum, bums” at the beginning and throughout the song.  Very nice job with the upbeat feel…everyone knows I enjoy those type of songs and her vocals are on point again.  So enjoy Trishes “Animal” through SoundCloud – Richard:

Alxxa Shares Music Video for “Nobody”

A couple of months ago Alxxa shared with us her single “Nobody”.  As I stated then this is one that would be comfortable in any dance club.  With it’s slower beat and dub step mixed in this lends itself to a sultry feel that dancers can get a little more personal with.  The video itself lends itself to this feeling as well with Alxxa center stage.  Here’s Alxxa with her music video “Nobody” for you to enjoy – Richard:

Lostboycrow’s Music Video for “Verona”

Get your Romeo and Juliet fix here with Lostboycrow’s latest music video “Verona”.  Lostboycrow stays in the pop club scene type of vibe with his single “Verona”.  Everything meshes fairly well, but when he blends in with the instrumentals, during the single’s chorus, he goes into his falsetto voice and having a softer voice it can get lost within the music.  It’s just hard to do when you hit the falsetto, it’s like for people that have a lower register voice, the singers voice just automatically gets softer.  With “Verona” Lostboycrow is right their on that line, but it doesn’t go completely over that line.  The music video itself, like I said, is a tribute to the Romeo and Juliet story and is fun to watch.  For music videos I enjoy the story videos, but I also enjoy the tribute videos and AMVs that people have done, for me it makes for a more enjoyable viewing.  So with that join Lostboycrow and enjoy his music video for “Verona” through his YouTube channel – Richard:

PEP Shares Their Music Video for “Get Physical”

We had a great time listening to PEP’s single “Get Physical” with it’s tribal beat and call back to music of the 1950’s.  Now PEP is sharing with us their music video for “Get Physical” and it’s just as fun as the single.  The music video in my opinion pays homage to the sleepover scene in Grease (and if you haven’t seen Grease go watch it!).  So take some time to watch PEP’s “Get Physical” music video, through their YouTube channel and be transported back in time – Richard:

Mike Schiavo’s Music Video for “Back For Me”

Mike Schiavo is sharing with our listeners his music video for his single “Back For Me”.  If Mike’s name sounds a little familiar it might be from his time on season 10 of The Voice.  Mike has a clear strong voice that he uses in his “Back For Me” ballad.  I also love how he is keeping the instrumentals simple and he lets his voice be the star of the single.  The video that has been produced for the single is really crisp and clean as well and has that story element to it not just Mike singing to us.  For me I appreciate this type of music video more because the director and artist are being creative for this aspect of the song.  “Back For Me” is from his self-titled EP that is available from your download service of choice.  Here’s Mike Schiavo’s music video for his single “Back For Me” through SpotsTheGinga YouTube channel – Richard:

Alxxa’s Single “Nobody”

Alxxa is sharing with us her single “Nobody”.  This single will be one that the club scene will enjoy.  It has an electronic punch to the instrumentals, but Alxxa’s voice is really crisp and clear.  I would love to hear her sing a more traditional single.  I think that would really make her voice shine like it should.  Definitely interested in what she will come up with next.  Here’s Alxxa’s “Nobody” that you can enjoy through SoundCloud – Richard:

Remix of Tammy’s Single “Away for the Weekend”

Ester has done a remix of Tammy’s single “Away for the Weekend”.  We spotlighted Tammy’s single on a previous post and with this she is giving our listeners the opportunity to hear the remix.  The remix gives it some heavy bass beats that gives the single a feel of urgency.  If you liked the ballad feel of the first one it might take a bit to get used to the remix, but once you get the feel of the remix it flowed for me.  Like I said the remix gave it a faster pace with an urgency feel with the bass beats added.  See what you think of Ester’s remix of Tammy’s “Away for the Weekend” through SoundCloud – Richard:

Strae’s Debut Single “Lioness”

Strae is sharing with our listeners her debut single “Lioness”.  This single is an empowerment song in the vein of  a Kelly Clarkson or even Katy Perry.  I really enjoy these types of pop songs and Strae does a great job with the performance with her voice matching well with the instrumentals so that it doesn’t get lost.  Strae has an EP slated for later this year but until then enjoy her single “Lioness” through SoundCloud – Richard:

The Classic Kids latest Music Video “Daydream”

The Classic Kids are still hitting it out of the park with their 1980’s inspired music with their single “Daydream”.  We loved The Classic Kids EP Forever Strong that we reviewed back in our 42 episode of ComicPop Rockin’ in the Dirt and I personally enjoy this latest single from them.  The music video is fairly standard that features the band as they perform for the camera.  But with The Classic Kids I just want to listen to their music and have fun.  So take some time and enjoy the classic sound of The Classic Kids’ music video “Daydream” through their YouTube channel – Richard: