Kaijudo Releasing New Deck


Wizards of the Coast is releasing a new deck for their TCG Kaijudo called Horde Onslaught.  The deck will be comprised of 40 foil cards with metallic gold boarders.  So here is one more set for TCG collectors and/or gamers to get ready for on July 25.

New Kaijudo Coming

For all you CCG fans keep an eye out for the Kaijudo: Shattered Alliances booster packs.  They will be hitting stores around September 13.  The set will contain 90 new cards to include two new Super Rare cards: “Heaven of the Light Civilization” and “Queen Kalima of the Darkness Civilization”.  The packs will have a suggested retail price of $3.99.

Duel Masters is Back

Here is something that your library’s Trading Card Gaming fans might like to know about.  Wizards of the Coast is scheduled to release Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters this coming September.  This game is currently the #2 TCG in Japan and Wizards is trying to release it in the North American market again.  This will be supported with a anime series on The Hub TV Network.
