Duel Masters is Back

Here is something that your library’s Trading Card Gaming fans might like to know about.  Wizards of the Coast is scheduled to release Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters this coming September.  This game is currently the #2 TCG in Japan and Wizards is trying to release it in the North American market again.  This will be supported with a anime series on The Hub TV Network.


Duel Masters Gets Another Chance

Anime News Network’s site is reporting that a new Duel Masters will be airing in the States.  Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters will be on The Hub, which is a channel that Discovery Communications and Hasbro has recently started.  It is stated that it will be released during the 2011-2012 television season.  As I remember the first Duel Masters series, this will appeal to the ‘tween patrons in your library, that are also interested in Anime and/or TCG’s.  Link on over to the full article below.
