Justice League Doomed?

ICv2 is reporting that Warner Bros. Animation has Justice League Doom on slate for a early 2012 release.  The DC animated movies have been really well done.  If your library hasn’t been picking these up you should consider them for you animated collection.  However, these movies are not children shows.  They do tackle more complex issues and themes, so these should be placed in you Young Adult section or if you have a separated out anime/animation collection place them there.  Doom is based of the Graphic Novel JLA: Tower of Babel, were super villains have discovered Batman’s contingency plans on how to take out superheroes that go rogue.


Warner Animation Announcements

ICv2 reporting from Comic Con reports that Warner Animation announced their next three DC projects.  First up will be Justice League: Doom based on Mark Waid’s story “Tower of Babel”.  Second will be Superman vs. The Elite which is based on Joe Kelly’s “What’s so Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way” story.  Last was the big one, Batman: Dark Night Returns from the same titled Frank Miller mini series.  It looks like the next year will be a great on for DC animated features.
