Fractal Control is “Starved for Change”


Mike Louttit is the force behind the band Fractal Control.  This band is unique in this day and age because the are an instrumental band.  This is a daunting challenge in today’s market place.  However, if you give Fractal Control a chance I think most of you will dig them.  They are a rock band, you just have to be willing to experience their music and let your imagination take control.  Their latest single is “Starved for Change”.  Check it out through SoundCloud – Richard

Torsha Lynn’s Debut Single “Supa Baddd”


Torsha Lynn has a very nice voice.  For “Supa Baddd”, her debut single, she gives us a R&B/Hip Hop feel.  Torsha has a great R&B voice, but the beat for the single has the Hip Hop feel.  The higher and lower voice that is sprinkled throughout the song I did not appreciate, but others might like.  I think Torsha’s voice alone could carry the song and didn’t need the extra theatrics.  Love to hear more from her to see what direction she will lean toward as a genre.  Check out “Supa Baddd” through SoundCloud below – Richard:

The Glass Child gives us a moving “Who Am I”

cyberPRglass child

Charlotte Eriksson (The Glass Child) gives a powerful performance with her release of “Who Am I”, from her album, I Must Be Gone and Live, or Stay and Die.  At times her voice gets lost in the chorus, but that kind of fits the song, because we all get lost at times in our lives and wonder “Who Am I” or what is my purpose in life.  You can tell that she puts her emotional experiences in her music, through her voice.  Eager to see what else she might give us in the future.  Check out “Who Am I” through SoundCloud below – Richard: