Paper and Ink Shortage

Anime News Network has an article that will be of interest to libraries that purchase manga.  Japan is experiencing a paper and ink shortage because of the earthquake and tsunami.  Therefore, many manga, newspapers, and magazines are being delayed.  This will of course effect the manga industry in translating new material to the international market.  Some of your libraries titles might be delayed because of this, but tell your patrons to be patient and understanding (which most will be) of what has happened in Japan.  Link below to the full article.

Quake Performance to help Boost Japanese Moral

Anime News Networks site has posted a video from Youtube featuring several Japanese voice actors.  These actors lended their talent in a performance to help boost the moral of all of Japan during this time of crisis.  Below is the link to see who all took part in the performance and you can see the video below.  It takes a little bit of time for the video to download so please be patient.

Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

I just wanted to let our brothers and sisters in Japan know that we are thinking about them with the recent earthquake and Tsunami.  We hope all of your loved ones are safe and well.  I also want to extend this to all other countries that this is effecting.