Janice’s Latest Music Video for “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark”

Janice is sharing with us again.  This time it is her music video for her single “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark”.  During the lyrics of this song you have Janice’s pure voice singing in a more slower R&B feel.  Then the chorus hits and Janice bangs it out with a much more pop/soul sound that gets the heart jump started.  Loved the back and forth this created in the single.  The music video takes you on that same back and forth journey of contemplating the affair that is happening and then Janice’s character getting upset because she wants more.  Enjoy Janice’s music video for her single “You Only Say You Love Me In The Dark” through her YouTube channel – Richard:

Janice Releases Music Video for “Queen”

In Janice’s single “Queen” she gives the listener a slow hypnotic single.  The piano in this single I love and really enjoy.  The verse is quiet and thoughtful in it’s delivery and then the chorus comes in at a crescendo.  Janice’s voice flows through the single effortlessly and is the standout of this single.  The music video is done in grey scale to have a more impactful viewing and listening experience.  Janice wanted to give our listeners a chance to check out her sound before her Fallin’ Up LP drops February 2.  She has already been honored by being nominated for the Swedish Grammy’s “Best New Act”.  Here’s Janice’s music video “Queen” for you to enjoy through her YouTube channel and don’t forget about her albums release date – Richard: